Dec 02, 2004 18:59
im feeling much better today.... i have handed in my business studies coursework... tho im not sure what grade to expect. saw michelle in town yday which was wonderful, shes back at school now which is even better! got 2 new belly bars today from X-Volt Glow [everyone should get some!] they are rather snazzy looking! there business is doing rather well i must say. ive been updating myspace and im rather proud of it [thanks gabb] tho some complete wacko added me today...haha ah well! been talking to dan and gianni on msn trying to sort out exactly what we're guna do on saturday night, its all a bit complicated! i havent seen gianni for ages and miss him quite a lot, but dunno if we're actually all guna meet up. in the last hour or so i have a really weird feeling that i cant explain...hmmmm...oh i went to the doctor today cos my ear swelled up [from my new piercing] i dont think he knew what he was doing but ah well! anyway he said that it was an infection, gave me some antibiotics and said i didnt have to take it out which is good news! im really looking forward to the ball next week with ike, anna, jack, maddi and jay, tho still a bit concerned with the heels penny sung in assembly today which was really good and i think that gem should sing in the next one cos shes uber good!