May 29, 2009 00:59
[[Action Post]]
Amaterasu is wandering around the castle now, sniffing around and exploring curiously. To the average person, she looks like a simple white wolf, but to those with true faith, her power is visible...
Her tail's wagging contently, and she's enjoying exploring the castle... care to approach?
curious puppy
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Of course no place was safe from Zero, but hopefully Jack's pet had gotten the hint when he'd had a couple Metal Blades hucked at him.
Rounding a corner, the Robot Master entered a new hallway and stopped dead in his tracks. There was a white and very canine-looking creature, nose to the ground, just a few yards ahead.
Metalman about-faced and power walked stiffly in the opposite direction without a single word.
It didn't even occur to Metalman how utterly humiliating it would have been to Wily seeing one of his robots continually lose it when faced with a canine, but that was just about the farthest thought from his mind right now!
He whipped a hand out, jabbing a 'commanding' finger over Ammy's shoulder down the hallway, doing his absolute best to keep his voice from shaking which was a valiant but fruitless endeavor. "Get-- g-go on, shoo! Scat! Go p-play somewhere else!"
Reply wasn't much of a stretch from werewolves, at any rate.
"I'm afraid I can't read that," he said before peering back to her, now a great deal less intimidated that before. Part of what made dogs so...dislikeable was that you could never tell what they would do next. Bark or bite or chase or slobber or...worse but with this one, this wolf appeared to be sentient. Much like Sparkster, only without the clothes. "Are you a demon of some sort?" No no, demons weren't usually white, were they? "Or an angel...a messenger of some sort...?" Or maybe he could just consult Wikipedia.
She then painted on the floor a circle enclosing her name, painting the rays shining out from around it. Perhaps the symbol of the sun would explain it?
While religion was certainly not his forte, he understood quite clearly the concept of 'god' and 'god of something.' And for Ammy to have situated what he took to be her name in the center of that sun, there was no other conclusion Metalman could reasonably draw. Warily, he offered his interpretation; as the creation of a so-called evil madman, he was uncertain as to how his type would be judged, if at all, by a deity. "The god of the sun?"
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