Dec 27, 2006 14:57
So! How's everyone doing?
I just noticed it's been more than a year since I posted last, and, since one of my New Years resolutions this year is to write more, I'm going to get a head start, and start writing now!
Except that I have no idea what to write about.
I am, as those of you who spend time with me regularly know, an intensely private person. I don't really like talking about what I've been doing, or what I'd like to be doing, or what I think about what other people are doing.
For privacy reasons, I can't really talk about my work. I could talk about my babies all day long, but who wants to read about that?
Well, I suppose I could sidetrack for a moment to talk about my little darlings. :) Christmas, as you know, was not too long ago, and, as usual at the Rabbit house, was a busy day. We opened gifts, we visited Mr. Rabbit's parents, and then had dinner with my parents. The kids did very well, all things considered - they said a sincere thank you for all of their gifts, and behaved as well as possible given the astonishing amounts of junk they were fed.
A., who is now five, is standing right behind me while I type this. She asked me what I was doing, and I told her I was posting an entry in my diary. She asked if she could too. She would like to tell all of you that she loves Barbie because she's so cute. Ah, that little apple could not have fallen further from the tree. :)
N., my little man, will be three in a few months. He's almost completely toiled trained, and likes to talk while he's doing his business. He adores my sister, who he calls Kiko (not actually her name). The other day, he was merrily chatting away on the toilet, giving me a running commentary on the state of affairs in bathroom land. When he finished and we were flushing the toilet, he asked me where poop go (his exact words, followed by the universal gesture for question - two hands up in the air, with palms skyward). I asked him where he thought it went, and he thought on that for a second before answering 'Poop go Kiko house!'. I told my sister, who nearly burst herself laughing at the thought of her little brown visitor.
M., my darling and intrepid little adventurer (and N.'s twin sister, for those just joining me), fell out of bed on Christmas night, while Mr. Rabbit and I were watching X-Men 3, just at the start of the climactic battle, for those that have seen it. We thought it was a particularly loud explosion, until we heard the crying from upstairs. I raced up, and poor M. had split her chin open and was bleeding profusely all over herself, me, and the floor. We cleaned her up as best we could, and I set out for the Emergency room. They checked her out there, and affixed a cotton ball soaked with a freezing agent to her chin and told me she'd have to have stitches when the agent took effect.
I love living in Canada, and having free health care, but sometimes the waits are ridiculous. By the time we finally got in to see a doctor, the freezing agent had taken effect, done its job, and worn off again, so they would have had to administer another dose and wait again for it to take effect, or just glue the cut shut. They ended up gluing it shut and Steri-stripping it, then covering the whole affair with a bandage. M. was a real trooper - she lie quiet and let the doctor and nurse do their thing with no fuss. The cut is still bleeding, though, so I'm off to take her to her doctors in a little while to see if she's bust it open again.
Wow. Okay, that wasn't too bad. :)
As for me, I had a fantastic holiday, with the exception of the ER trip, but even that wasn't all bad. I don't often get one-on-one time with my little ones. It's kind of sad that the best quality time I spend with them is often at the hospital (and also sad that we're there so often, but that's life with kids). :)
life in the rabbit warren