So yeah...

Aug 04, 2007 17:37

I like living with boys, mostly because whenever they shower and I walk past their bathroom I get Clean Boy Smell (tm). So fresh, so clean, so boy. It's nice. Ok, I'm a big dork. I also like the fact that I can wander around my apt. in shorts and a sports bra and not be terribly self-conscious, because I don't give a rat's -ass what they think of my looks, 'cause I'm not gonna date them. Even though they're cute. Andy was nice and complimented my shirt that I was wearing Thursday morning. He and I get along the best of all of us I think, mostly 'cause we see each other the most. He's cool. I like him. He has a motorcycle.

John and I painted our kitchen today. It's blue and very pretty you can see it here along with pics of my car, and my nephews.

Crazy new girl hasn't been around much. She got it that we didn't like having our food all together, mostly when she discovered that she had a cabinet, and the rest were rearranged. I think she's a bit annoyed with us. Oh well. I'm ok with that after what she pulled. Thankfully the boys and I were of the same mind-set. "Argh, territorial smash!" but none of us did anything until we had talked to each other and figured out if she'd asked anyone. (she hadn't) So this will be interesting...

I figured out how to put stuff up on flikr, so now I can post useful photos of stuff. Yay!

("Stand By Me" set to a reggaeton beat is wierd, BeirutNights has all sorts of wierd euro-dance music)

It cost me $622 to get my tie-rod, ball joint replaced and alignment done, plus the power-steering flush and oil change it already needed. My car is getting replaced in the next 18 months. I'm positive. I'm sick of dealing with a constantly-breaking car.

In good news, I got called back for a second interview at Shattuck. I'm going in Monday around 2 to tour a unit and see what it's like to actually work there. I'm going to wear the Awesome Pants and thoroughly kick ass. She said that it's not another interview, but it's still an opportunity to impress her. I really want this job. I had an interview on Friday at one of the Bridgewell extensions, but I wasn't as excited about it, because it's working with people with developmental disabilities, and I'm not thrilled with that. It's MR and other disabilities comorbid with Axis 1 disorders. Interesting clientelle, we'll see where it goes. It's individual, and fee for service. I want Shattuck!!! Everyone think good thoughts for me! Shattuck is salaried and mostly group work, with the opportunity for some 1:1 in case management. I can always get my 1:1 doing a part time fee for service job somewhere else.

I've done some epic cleaning today. I cleaned the bathroom, and I'm in the process of cleaning my room, which is a considerably more epic task. I also swept the hall and both stairways. For some reason I can get more work done in the heat than in my AC-cooled room. Wierd.

Tonight I'm going to Leeann and Scott's for grilled tastyness and dog-sitting instructions. I need to go buy stuff with which to make fruit salad, so I'm gonna do that.

roommates, car stuff, therapist anne

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