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last_man_down December 3 2009, 19:30:04 UTC
[ There is a man appearing somewhere between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five, pale skin and very blond hair, occasionally looking out the window, occasionally saying hello to passers-by when they least expect it.

There's a good chance Hemi hasn't decided where, exactly, he's going. He might be here just for the ride. ]


the_killingblow December 3 2009, 19:33:26 UTC
Pardon me. Oh, I'm sorry, pardon--

[ A prim looking young woman is trying to make her way down the aisle to the next cart. However, she seems to keep running into people milling about, fiddling with their luggage, harassing the lady with the small food trolley. The young lady seems very apologetic about it, her glasses constantly slipping to the end of her nose. ]


last_man_down December 3 2009, 19:39:19 UTC
[ Hemi smiles to himself briefly before he stands and manages to make more headway in Gungnir's direction than she's made into the entire aisle since she got here. ]

Hello, Gunny. Excuse me, thank you. [ There is something slightly amusing about the fact that she is definitely more powerful than he is, yet he is more physically imposing. ] This way?


the_killingblow December 3 2009, 19:47:34 UTC
[ At first, she does not hear his greeting over the sound of her own apologies to the people she attempts (and sometimes fails) to squeeze past. Heimdall's physical presence, however, is difficult to miss -- a pale, almost luminescent smudge moving towards her in the blurred edges of her peripheral vision. When she turns towards him, her glasses slip again. She squints at him over the lenses with a smile. ]

Heimdall! It is good to see you, friend. Do you travel? [ She laughs and waves a hand through the air, tugging a small suitcase behind her. ] Of course you travel, you are on a train. Ignore my silly questions.


last_man_down December 3 2009, 19:55:34 UTC
[ She gets a warm smile in return, though Heimdall is very aware of how much she can't see it until her glasses are in their proper place; once there are no obstructions in the immediate area, people or otherwise, he reaches out and adjusts them before she can protest. ]

There is a great deal of the world and I would be amiss in not seeing it. But here you are with luggage! Where are you going?

[ He thinks, but doesn't say, that it's good to see her doing something outside of the apartment she shares with Mo. ]


the_killingblow December 3 2009, 20:20:40 UTC
[ She flusters very faintly when he pushes her glasses up for her. Another hand wave through the air as if to say a silent it's no bother, though her eyes remain large behind the round clear lenses. ]

My brother-weapon thought it was wise to travel, but has gone ahead without me. Neither he nor his master know patience such as you, guardian. So, I am left to my own devices if I intend to follow! Which I do.


last_man_down December 3 2009, 20:27:58 UTC
Ah. Do you know where he has gone, exactly, or do you only have a general idea?

[ Another grin and then onward through the cabin, since she seemed so intent to get to the other side. However if she thinks he's going to just leave her to her own devices now, she's fairly mistaken. ]


the_killingblow December 3 2009, 20:41:31 UTC
[ With Heimdall leading the way, they make much easier passage through to the far end of the train car. There are some empty seats on that end, and she chooses one, finally, to drop down into with a kind of exasperated sigh. ]

North! I'm afraid that's as far as I know. He misses the snow terribly, even though the cold had already found us where we were. Not enough for him, it seems. I believe Mjöllnir wishes to see the mountains again, as well. But. No matter. [ She smooths the fabric of her skirt over her knees, precisely. ] We are two of a kind. He will not get far without me.


last_man_down December 3 2009, 20:58:09 UTC
[ When she sits Hemi busies himself with the matter of stowing her luggage. Hearing that Mjöllnir went North is about as surprising as being told the sun rises in the East. ]

I doubt it was his intention to get very far without you to start, but once he gets an idea in his head it is difficult to explain the wisdom of waiting. [ A shrug, but his tone is pleasant; he doesn't see anything wrong with the way Mo is. ] I suspect when we get to wherever he has gone he will be waiting expectantly for your arrival. It was good of you to open your home to him.


the_killingblow December 3 2009, 21:09:48 UTC
[ She smiles at him pleasantly and then scoots slightly so that there is room beside her if he's inclined to sit. ]

No, I do not think so. He will be too busy running off into the snows, or drinking ale, or scouring the hills for a bird to call his supper. [ She laughs lightly. ] But your thought is kind, bridge-watcher.

[ She's quiet, still smiling faintly, but in a thoughtful way. ] I could not live to think of him sleeping another day without four walls around him. Can you believe! To sleep on a stoop as if his master were just waiting inside to pick him up once morning had come! [ She shakes her head. ] We are the same, Mjöllnir and I. We must look out for one another until our masters call.


last_man_down December 3 2009, 21:54:16 UTC
[ He does sit when she moves, careful not to impinge on her space too much though he is glad for the opportunity to sit and talk with her, no matter how often he manages to see her. ]

Your assessment is likely more accurate, Gunny. Still and yet, I think he'll be glad to see you.

I must admit, I had not thought to ask where he spent his nights. Though my own accomodations are basic enough. How has the couch held up?


the_killingblow December 3 2009, 22:31:39 UTC
[ Her expression goes a bit curious when Heimdall does not move to sit beside her. She glances sideways in confusion at the empty seat next to her and then goes about scooting some more, just in case the room she has provided does not seem ample to him. When he asks after the couch, she covers her mouth and laughs. ]

Oh, it complains every time he drops down onto it! Though the noise is nothing compared to when he sleeps. The snoring makes the walls shake as if Yggdrasil were trying to unearth its own roots, I will not lie.

But, he is like kin to me, if the All Father's spear were to have such a thing. I would not have him anywhere else, Heimdall.


last_man_down December 4 2009, 00:09:27 UTC
[ He realizes the error immediately and goes to rectify it, sitting next to her with a smile. It's good to hear her laugh, Heimdall thinks, and he can't help but chuckle at her description. ]

I cannot say that surprises me either way. But it is good to know you are content with the arrangement and better still to hear you laugh, Gungnir. [ He looks her over for a moment and nods, satisfied by what he has found. ] Companionship and kin both do you well. Are you in need of anything?


the_killingblow December 4 2009, 00:20:06 UTC
[ She seems much more at least with him sitting beside her, though she steals short glances at where their elbows and arms brush against one another's. It is not that she does not welcome contact -- often offering it herself -- but ever since they last spoke, she has been very aware of it. She tilts her head towards him; her version of a shrug. ]

I would ask for company on my long journey until hammer and spear are reunited once again, Heimdall. But I do not know to where you travel and I am not one for assumptions. Come, tell me to where you go and if our paths shall be long side by side.


last_man_down December 4 2009, 07:18:49 UTC
[ Heimdall acts as though he doesn't notice her newfound interest, when in fact that couldn't be further from the truth. However it is an innocent thing, contact between friends and above and before all else 'friend' is what Heimdall strives to be with Gungnir. ]

Would you believe I boarded this train with no destination in mind? It's been some time since I have ridden anything like it and when one does not sleep one finds himself fascinated by all manners of things.

Of course I will accompany you North; even if I had business elsewhere it would be the same.


the_killingblow December 5 2009, 18:21:21 UTC
You are too kind, as always, bridge-watcher. [ Her laugh is light, but sharp -- like the edge of a blade making short strokes upon stone. Gungnir covers her mouth in modesty and pats his arm with one hand. Once, very shortly. ] The All Father would be pleased to know you have gone to such lengths to guard that which is dear to him.

[ She exhales, something like a sigh. A pleased noise. ]

Oh, but you the mind to travel. To where, you don't know, but still you go! It sounds like a marvelous thing.


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