(no subject)

Nov 21, 2009 21:55

lj: stutterbird
aim: stutterbird
@: miserati@live.com

【levi hartley: ohmondays

(16) meet levi. never had a girlfriend. he's that awkward kid that tucks his head down when he walks in the hallways at school and tries not to get picked on too much. but if it's any consolation, he's great at science and math. too bad the girls don't think that's hot. best friends: zip and jesse.

【noah: fixhit
(21) meet noah. he's a druggie who likes queen and lives in a red buick named ziggy stardust. he spends as little time sober as possible, and he exists in a world of his own. he believes in ghosts and aliens and conspiracies, and he rarely remembers what happened yesterday. mates: schuyler and gunner.

【aubrey windham: heirship

(19) meet aubrey. the second son of a wealthy, powerful ambassador in a future where the world has been flooded. he spends his days buried in books, and privately, being the second-born is a source of his bitterness. still, his manners are impeccable. companions: june, emilie, and robin.

【genevieve king: chromae
(22) meet genevieve. she's an aspiring (read as: starving and struggling) painter who recently moved into a haunted house with some folks she doesn't know too well. she's creative and a bit silly. and some day, she's sure she'll be famous. if the ghosts don't get her first. roommates: borden, billie, and dog.

【quvianuq: lagopa
(∞) meet quivianuq. an old familiar spirit who takes the form of an arctic fox, her magic has weakened through people's disbelief. still, she has strength enough to travel the land. she is shy of the modern world and outwardly as cold as her homeland, but never forgets her role as a protective spirit.

【fenrir: jotnarwarg
(∞) meet fenrisúlfr, hróðvitnir, vánagandr. the monster wolf, son of loki, who is destined to kill the all-father odin in the last days. he who tore off tyr's hand and is now bound by the gods. fenrir is bound by reincarnation, fated to die and be born again until ragnarok, with his sons, hati and sköll.

【eris: discordare
(∞) meet eris. discordia. the goddess of strife. she fosters war, battle, and conflict between men. she is the companion of the death and war gods; her wrath is restless and her cruelty spares no one. gods and humans alike fall prey to her malice and mischief. beware both her anger and her favor.

【moselle: baptizes
(22) meet moselle. a young woman from the water territory in a world divided into elemental lands, she and her sister arlyn lost their home in a battle between fire and air. she is naive and good-natured, if somewhat emotional at times. her strength is her compassion, and her weakness is her quickness to distress.

【atropos: biothread
(∞) meet atropos. she who is without turns. the unyielding. the inevitable. the oldest of the moirae-- better known as the fates. while her sisters spin and measure the threads of life, atropos snips the threads with her abhorred shears. her power is to choose the mechanism and time of a person's death. even the gods are subject to her powers.

!stutterbird, *intro

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