Jan 19, 2003 14:46
Boys are like taxi's whenever you need them their not there, whenever you don't their everywhere!!!!!
I will Forever LOvE You
I will FoReVer CaRe
I will FoReVeR lIvE MY life
Wishing YoU Were There
and as for long as I live I will neva WaLk AwAY
aS long as YoU Promise me one thing..
If YoU Come to Me.. YoU wiLl stAy
*Should I Love Who I Wanna Love Or Love Who My Friend Says To Love?*
*SoMeDaY YoU WiLl Be SoRrY, SoMeDaY WhEn YoU'rE FrEe, MeMoRiEs WiLl ReMiNd YoU, ThAt U CoOd Ov BeEn WiT Me*
TrUe LoVe CoNnOt Be FoUnD WhErE It DuZn'T ExIsT, NoR CaN iT bE HiDdEn WhErE It DuZ!!
Just when you think things can't get any worse.....they do.
But....I've learned
that life is like hour glass sand.
Sooner or later, everything hits rock
bottom,but all you have to do is be patient and wait
for something to turn everything around.
boy wrap
ur arms around me,
n let me hold u tight,
in the middle of the evening
ill make you feel alright
MaNy NiTeS i'Ve CrIeD fRoM tHe ThInGs U dO, fElT lYkE i cOulD dIe FrOm ThE tHoUgHt Of LoSiNg YoU
*I luv him,o yes I do, hes for me not for u, and if by chance u take my place, I'll take my fist and smash your face!!!
Tell me that you love me
Tell me that you care
Even if you're lying,
Thats what I need to hear
*SuRgEoN GeNeRaL WaRniNg*
*fLiRtiN WiT Me MaY LeAd 2ExTrEmE iNFaTuAtiOn *
*& iN SoMe CaSeS UnBeLiEvEaBLe pLeAsUrE*
*Your as fake as that padded bra your wearing *!!!!!
u told me u loved me but u lied
u told me u'd be there and then i cried