Thanks for your comments. LJ is being stupid and I am not getting notifs, and then they mark perfectly reasonable people as spam. Will look out for your tips!!
Goddess Fish Promotions apparently promotes you on a number of blogs for money, but they're definitely not the only ones who do this and I know there are some free ones out there. You can also of course join them as a blog where other authors can promote themselves (guest post or review) - this will in turn bring more traffic to your blog from people who are hopping for prizes
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Thank you so much for the advice - I can't take it at the moment but the reasons are very complex and I would prefer to email. My email is in my profile but in any case is harlequinandyarrow at gmail dot com - obviously with signs instead of at and dot... If you let me have your email I can send you the free coupon and would be glad of any/all publicity! And no, I don't have children or at least I do but not young or still at home!
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