Oct 30, 2004 19:03
::~*~:: My HeAdS All ScReWeD AnD UpSiDe DoWn, AnD My HeArT's On OvErDriVe ::~*~:: hey. new layout, check it out! (i did it myself, im so proud.) anyway, yesterday was a blast! i got home from school, and ate a three muskateers (sp?) bar, haha, and then called megan. we decided it would be totally hott if we had a sleepover, so at like seven i went over there. it was awesome, cuz we watched educational tv, and guess what was on!? A PROGRAM ON OUR SCHOOL. we saw all these ppl, like ashley bear, and mrs. moecurris! haha. then after a while we went upstairs, and read magazines and listened to music. fun, i know. i read this article on rapists, and it was waaay sad... :o( so then we decided to go downstairs and watch spongebob. so we did. haha. after that, we drank some sexy apple cider, and went on aim. no one was on (!!) but w.e. we went downstairs, and played ping-pong, but megan gave up cuz i was sooooo bad. hahahhaha. after a while, we ended up going back upstairs, and watching a lot of tv, and talking about ppl. it was funnnnnn. we went to bed at like 12:30. haha, i felt sick, so i threw up. lol. im so hott, i know. but then i felt better, so i just went to sleep on the living couch. this morning i woke up at eight, cuz of megan's annoying, yet cute, brother. hima nd his annoying friend were yelling at the tv. haha, i guess thats just what boys do. since megan wasnt up yet, i went upstairs, and washed my face & stuff...and by the time i got back downstairs she was already awake. it was a really funnn morning too, cuz we sat around and played her violin, and watched vh1's top twenty countdown. oh, and we made our own version of that one song "im so fly." here's our sexy version: im so fly, i got money and pickles, i could die/ im so fly/ im collectin all the pokemon cards, wanna collect em all/ POKEMON! haha, hilarious i know! my mom picked me up at twelve, and then we ran 6732198 errands. and thats where i am now! fun fun fun! tomorrow, im going out trick-or-treating, but i dont know who im going with....anyone wanna go with me?! well yeahh, im gonna go eat dinner, so yeahh. [COMMENT IF YOU LOVE ME.]