Continuing our adventures from
last time, you know that me and Gillian were in Chilliwack and well on our way to beating Nate and Razan to Oliver. After only an hour or so near the vedder crossing exit, we managed to pick up a ride from a native lady heading out to Calgary, returning home from dropping her kids off at the reserve on Vancouver
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The inside story:
Razan and I started hitching outside of Surrey on the #1. 10 minutes after getting on the highway we got a ride from a 30-something hick named Clemen and his neice Jolene. They were both kinda annoying, buuut... they took us all the damn way to Kelowna. Razan and I knew we were totally going to win.
It was Razan and Jolene's idea to send Motekye & Gilly a text from Jolene's phone saying we were stuck in Abbotshole. It was a way of finding out how well they were doing. When they sent back, "We're in Chilliwack, bitches!" We rofl'd. And again when they updated us saying they were in Princeton. Damn, I hate Princeton.
Clemen bought a 20 case of Old Milwaukee and later an 18 case of Kokanee and let us drink to our heart's content. He shared his smokes and his weed. Once in Kelowna and fresh out of beer, he took us to the casino where he drunkenly played the slots and bought us a ton of paralyzers (Thassa vodka mixer with pop and milk, goes down real nice). He let us sleep in the back of his truck.
It was great. Except for how he occasionally hit on us. And how he kept putting his arm around me and Razan. And how his neice was incapable of speaking calmly. If she was a character in a book, every sentence she said would end with two exclamation marks. OTHER THAN THAT: Pretty rad!
Furthermore: From Kelowna the next morning we caught a ride to the edge of Westbank where the 97 highway splits. Then we caught a ride in a bitchin' old-school powder blue volkswagen driven by a french dude named Ben. He took us through Penticton to the ye old hitching post at the three-way-split that is mentioned in Motekye's post. Cheerily we tagged it, knowing we would be totally pwning those other two hos.
Then from there it was just one more ride, an east indian fellow named Sam, and we were in Oliver. Of course he decided to take us through the freaky back roads and Razan totally thought we were gonna get raped, but she just does this thing where she attracts old brown dudes. Go figure. Anyways, he drove us right to the library and we rolled into Oliver at 10 AM the day after we left! BITCHES!
And that's MY side of le story.
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