Oct 13, 2008 18:36
So, I accidentally took the day off today. Meaning, I slept through my alarm by almost three hours, something I haven't done since I was burnt beyond repair over at Galactic last summer. That was a rough time- it was right after Jim jumped over that fence and landed like a stupid ass and broke his heels. In less than a week after being promoted, he landed himself in a wheelchair, and I wound up picking up a lot of his slack because I was the strongest prep cook. I still call him "Hotwheels." That was the day Pete was going to fire me, but then the construction workers hit a gas line and the entire area was evacuated before I even left St. Paul.
But, one of the reasons I went back to Babani's is because they are a bit more understanding of human error than Galactic.
Seriously, I was out cold. I keep my alarm set for 8:45, and then my dad usually calls me around nine, when he gets into work, to tell me about the weather and just chat it up while I make coffee. It's nice. So when I finally realized my phone was blowing up, it was 11:40, and I was not happy. I called Rodwan, apologized, and everything is fine. Isn't that awesome? Yes, I feel like a stupid ass. I always do when I oversleep, even if it's only by ten minutes, so this kind of thing really grates me.
But that's what daytime TV is for. It always makes me feel better about myself and my neuroses. It doesn't matter how worthless I think I am- at least I'm not running around being a prostitute because my mom can't stop smoking crack long enough to take care of her other kids. Yeah, that's what was on. "The Waitress Overslept" will never be the topic of a trashy daytime talk show. It's not nearly as exciting.