Yay Obama!

Nov 05, 2008 02:22

 Earlier today I went and voted in my first ever election..I voted for Obama! I felt he was the one who bring us the change we needed,that the other party just wasn't going to be sufficient enough to run our country! I put my ballot in,and anxiously awaited  the results..they took forever..but they finally came in....OBAMA WON BY A LANDSLIDE! Out of the "270" votes need to win ..Obama won with 338 votes...to McCain's 156! ...

McCain,gained some of my respect with his consession speech and how he went down gracefully...calling Barack his PRESIDENT,and congradulating Barack....when he mentioned Obama's name his supporters booed him,but McCain himself... tried stopping them...and said he was happy that Barack won.. on the news the other day he even said he felt like he was racing AGAINST history... he WANTED Barack to win! and win did he!!! OUR FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT! WHAT A HUGE MIRACLE THAT IS! I CANNOT BELIEVE OUR PRESIDENT IS BLACK.. people that were living durning the segreation days..were able to see  A BLACK MAN RUN AND WIN THE PRESIDENCY!

Barack - PLEASE PLEASE bring the NEEDED change you say you're going to do! We as American's PUT you  there,because we believe YOU are the change we need..don't let us down...YES WE CAN!!

biden, ftw!, obama, democrats

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