good old livejournal

Apr 10, 2006 00:30

i am becoming a tea addict. hot tea, not iced. i am not graced with ice as my disposal ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

professorpink April 10 2006, 15:49:05 UTC
dude. are you making it home for the summer? dude.


mostnights April 10 2006, 16:00:43 UTC
yah yah, i'll be home sometime in mid june, i'll be staying in chicago for a little bit longer to see ym sister's graduation


kindof_blue April 11 2006, 06:52:02 UTC
at some point, we need to talk about my brother's travels to chi-town.

hope all is dandy.



mostnights April 11 2006, 23:03:09 UTC
ja - definitely -- just let me know the details, and i can meet him at the el stop and give him lodgings and warm food -- just don't expect me to extend sexual favors his way, i'm an abstaining man


newrhapsody April 11 2006, 22:16:28 UTC
i too am tired of school. are you going back to texas over the summer? if so, when?


newrhapsody April 11 2006, 22:17:09 UTC
i just posted this and looked up and saw the answer...sweet.


mostnights April 11 2006, 23:01:54 UTC
and to you i say............ dump the bitch and we'll have a sexy summer love affair---

ps you smell


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