I updated my archive on couchofkuma again~

Dec 29, 2012 21:35

I posted something short I wrote night before last but made the executive decision not to cross post it anyplace... 
I figure when I have something that I WANT people to read, as opposed to something I'm WILLING TO ALLOW people to read, I will put it in comms. Lol lol. I'm beginning to feel a little bit far away from writing again 

That fic before last, you know, the really abstract one... I don't know, not getting feedback on it kind of made me really uninspired. I was like, wow, I was proud of something for once but I got no reaction at all. Guess I should take a little time and figure out what my next thing should be. Most people on lj are really busy and even when they do check their subscriptions they really comment quite rarely, but I do know that that doesn't mean they don't read at all, so maybe I should put some kind of hit counter up, just for curiosity's sake. If I were posting fic on my journal instead of this comm I could use My Guests, but I'm not. Blargh.

I've been working on this one piece for some time now, the way I was working on Please, Set Me Free for months. Right now whenever I work on it, I call it "Don't Need No Man," but that title really doesn't represent it at aaaall. I mean AT AAAALL. So I don't know why I call it that. I am really quite attached to it, though. I started it after I reread The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and I think mostly for that reason, there's a sort of Ernest Hemmingway-esque curtness to it. The sentences tend to be short and straightforward. Now though, the farther I get into it, the more that tone slips away from me and I have to consciously force myself to make the story come out in fewer words and phrases. It means I have to chose what words I do use very carefully. It's neat. Kind of fun. Saga's living the married life and going through a mid-life crisis. It's great! Really awesome dynamic. Shou's story is totally tragic, you'll see. While I was writing it and hinting at why his life sucks I kept putting things in because they fit the flow of the story and then feeling guilty about doing so many terrible things to him and then reading it and thinkin but that's so perfect nd I ended up leaving it in every time. I feel bad.
But it's just fiction!
If I had to pick a word to describe whole fic, it wouldn't be nostalgic, but nostalgia is a really strong theme. Ah, "nostalgic" is a good word to describe the plot. The storytelling. But not the fic. Does that even make sense? 
Maybe a more descriptive working title would be like "Matter of Time," or something. 
That sounds too generic. 
I like "Opprobrium," but I wonder if anyone will get it 
same problem I had with perfidy and pusillanimous

I have like six more


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