Will someone please tell me what in the world I find so hot about scarred, bandanna-ed, open-shirted pirates?!
I swear that the costumers and hairdressers for the POTC movies are either besotted women or gay men. They dress Will Turner (forever now officially referred to by me as WilliamFuckingTurner, or WFT for short) and Jack Sparrow like they are preparing them for a gay pride parade. Slashfic writers were giggling with glee and conjuring new ribald positions for their OTPs before the movie was half over.
And yet, the last couple of scenes from this movie created puddles of unspeakable lust around me in the theater. I much preferred the undead WFT with his less-than-professional scar and his smudged eyeliner and his loose hair and his nipples open shirt to the pony-tailed William Turner from the first film.
I spent entirely too much of the morning at work (thanks to
crevette) screen capping low res pics from POTC3. And now I've officially and completely bared my soul to you all.
How embarrassing.