Jun 16, 2006 17:32
1. Fanfic is stronger than crack cocaine. If I’ve got the good stuff, I can go for days without actually sleeping and I exhibit withdrawal symptoms if I go for more than 2 days without it. Admitting you have a problem is the first step, or so they say. If anyone knows of a patch that will cure it, please let me know.
Which leads me to…
2. I am no longer young enough to get by on 4 hours of sleep and try to cover it with too much caffeine. That venti mocha from Starbucks makes me feel at the top of my game…for about an hour. Then I feel like crap. I’m still energetic, just grumpy. Plus, I’ve been told multiple times that “For God’s Sake you don’t need caffeine you already drive us crazy you’re so bouncy and please put down that coffee RIGHT NOW!!!”
3. Being around a 13 year old girl again has reawakened some pretty powerful memories. There’s a reason that we subconsciously black out things that are painful to us. There isn’t any amount of money in the world that would make me go through that period of my life again. Also, 13 year old girls have more random mood swings than a bi-polar on crack cocaine.
4. Why are Fridays such shit at work? Last Friday our client made a 5pm change to a document that required hours worth of meetings to fix but insisted that we have it ready for the next level of review by 1pm Monday afternoon. Today our client completely redirected our work - for about 20 minutes - then reversed her decision again. And to end my day I was told, not asked mind you, that they were pulling someone (completely useless, but still) from my team to another team and that we would be getting someone else (an even more useless person, if that’s possible) to replace him. Dear Project Management: Thanks for making staffing decisions about MY TEAM without asking for my input. Thanks for telling the staff members involved before telling me. Thanks for breaking the news to me as I’m walking out the door to go home for the weekend. And thanks for dismissing my anger with an eye roll as if I were being totally unreasonable. Unlike you I actually care about the people who work for me and want them to be treated with a reasonable amount of respect. Asswipe.
Ah well, this isn’t anything that a couple of glasses of wine, a good movie, and a couple of fanfics can’t cure. *g*
The one bright spot to my day (other than Starbucks)? The Monthly Monstrosity is FINALLY over. Let the celebration begin.