Aug 22, 2006 20:50
Howdy folks. Once again I crawl from the primordial ooze to slather up some words of wisdom. In today's episode I need information. If you want an invite to my wedding you need to pony up your address information.
Drop a line to with your address so Cori and I can send these things out.
I have Melly, Digo and crew. But I need Dani, Chris, Chris, Chris, and more! I'll be hunting down the odd balls here and there but keep in touch and help me out! Danke!
I'm playing Dirge of Cerebus. Damn that's a sweet game. Vincent is 100 times cooler in his own games. It crys SEQUAL! We'll see. Otherwise, I'm playing various Game Boy DS games. I'm waiting for Mega Man ZX and the new Star Fox. We shall see.
Love and Peace!