I just donated $100 to a campaign in Minnesota. This just pissed me off:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESdA52S4Dbg Mr Tinklenberg (I know!) is within 4 points in poll this week with 20% undecided. These are poor numbers for the incumbent Bachmann at this stage in the cycle (undecideds usually break slightly more for the challenger) and we have a chance to defeat her. Mr Tinklenberg seems like a serious guy who used to be Commissioner of Transportation in Minnesota and Mayor of Blaine. If you agree with me that there should be no place in politics for views like those expressed by Michelle Bachmann, please feel free to join me in making a donation, however small, to Mr Tinklenberg's campaign. You can donate at his website or at ActBlue (links below):
http://www.tinklenberg08.com/home.html http://www.actblue.com/contribute/entity/18660 I also wrote Ms Bachmann an email telling her how she is unchristian, and backing it up with quotes from the bible that speak to Jesus' liberal values. This is my new tactic. I grew up as a protestant, (yeah, I still protest a lot ;-), going to church every Sunday (no choice in this), and one of the strong values I walked away with was don't judge, and be nice to people. What the fuck--where did this get lost?
And I am freakin' sick of being told that "liberal" = "UnAmerican". Seriously? Fuck them, I'm fighting back.