I lied...or in other words, I'm not meant to be healthy.

Mar 01, 2010 20:36

So, here I was all excited that things were going so well, and wouldn't you know that it wouldn't last.

On Saturday night I took a fall, I hit the floor so hard I snapped the humerus in my right arm in half and flipped the lower half of the arm the opposite direction it is supposed to lie. I was able to get up, call a friend and get to the ER, but, the break was nasty. I was admitted on morphine and had to have surgery to put it back together. The ended up inserting a metal rod down through my shoulder then screwing the bones to that to pull everything into line. I spent 5 days in the hospital, but, am home now, and set for a long and painful recovery. Wish me luck.


PS, x-rays are coming when I get my copies, because you know you want to see the ugliness. BTW, that was the x-ray Tech's description of the break, "ugly".
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