Mar 05, 2008 18:03
So my limbs are sore from working out and the pads of my fingers sore from bending metal (the welding begins next week), but I'm feeling pretty good.
I recently bombed a bio midterm. It's in introductory class, like on I already took, except that it focuses on microbiology. You know, cell structures, genetics, DNA. I'm annoyed: I study a good deal, I don't put things off to the last minute, I plan for myself a schedule- I'm not a slacker. And yet, somehow, on these multiple choice tests, I always seem to collapse. It's not that I have a poor memory- I don't, but that the recognition for these types of tests isn't something I seem to have. I'm much more of a large idea-mixed-with-smaller-supporting-ideas type of person. I say this because I took a Human Paleontology midterm the next day and did quite well on it, above the average. The class isn't easy- it's my first upper division and the teacher doesn't take bullshit (He's awesome, by the way, was a grad student on the Lucy discovery). But a good half of it was short answer and essay (note: not bullshit) and I pwned that part hard. Not so much the multiple choice section, but it was small.
There's something in my study method that isn't going right, and I need to figure it out. I should be able to do well on both these types of tests.
In other words, I'm going to be in the Bay Area for the summer. I know that's early to say, but I need to take physics. I was wondering what to do with the rest of my time until my lab prof. came up to me and say "HEY. You've been working with us for two semesters, and apparently you get the opportunity to be paid for the summer". Woot. Illustration. Good.
Floridians, fucking visit. Preferably in June. You can stay with me.
I'll be going to Greece immiedietly after finals get out : ) end of May- first week of June.
SO WHO WANTS TO BE DRAWN INTO TUNNEL 128(my really terribly drawn comic from Enigma I'm redoing)? You can die tragically if you like! I've worked out some major secondary characters but not what they look like.