×) Time to start thinking about
the Activity Check! If you're not quite there yet, hopefully this month's event will help!
×) The Room Upgrades and Promotions post will be up in this community on Wednesday, September 28th.
×) If you haven't left a comment on
our survey about the OOC Community tags and would like to vote and/or express your thoughts on the matter, please do so by Sunday, September 25th. We'll be posting the results of the poll and putting them into effect by the end of the month.
×) Just like last year, we're going to be closing reservations and applications for the holiday season. The last day we will be processing applications is Saturday, November 12th, which means the deadline for applying before apps close is 11:59:59pm Friday the 11th. Reservations will close the Saturday before, on November 5th. Applications and reserves will re-open on Saturday, December 24th, and will be processed two weeks later on Saturday, January 7th. We've already put up notices on the app and reserve pages, and we'll mention it again in the announcement post at the end of October.
×) On the Improbability Event front! So many people had a blast with this one last year, and we've had quite a few requests for another one, so, without further delay we're pleased to present:
You're not my real mother! 8(
Ah, the sound of piping young voices, raised in shouts of joy and glee...wait, what do you mean they're not happy? Whyever not? There's a giant ball pit, an even bigger arcade, and no parents in sight! Why are they crying? Yes, we realize the vogons aren't really very nice to look at but...what? Oh. Oh. Well...gosh, we're not sure what to say to that.
Or where we're going with this, even.
TO SUMMARIZE: The Infinite Improbability Drive is going to activate, and quiiiiite a few of the Thor's residents will suddenly find they've misplaced several years. Usually in a backwards-y direction, but if you'd rather age your character up, that's fine too. The event is pretty open and flexible, just like last year, but to recap:
→While this is a de-aging event, if for some reason you'd like to age your character up instead, that's totally fine!
→What your character remembers is also entirely up to you. So basically whether their mental age stays the same or is regressed (or progressed!) to match their new physical age is something we're leaving up to the players.
→How old your character becomes is also up to you! You can subtract or add ten, twenty, fifty years...however many might be applicable to get the age you want.
→Clothing is not affected. Whatever your character was wearing when they were chibified will remain unchanged. So you know that slinky Little Black Dress that hugged you in All The Right Places and those saucy strap-on heels you were wearing on your hot date? Yeah, you're still wearing them. Have fun with that. 8)
→If your character is some kind of robot and/or inorganic being, and you still want to participate in the event, feel free! The more improbable an event, the more likely it is to happen, so go wild with tiny-fying or what have you.
→It is possible for your character to be hit multiple times during the event, so if you're not happy with the age you initially selected or you'd like for your character to suffer random de-aging at inopportune moments, then by all means! Go for it! :D
We'll begin the event on Monday, September 26th and end it on Thursday, September 29th, at which point we'll be arriving at our next planet. Monthly Missions will go up the day after that, on Friday, September 30th.
Aaaaaaand...that's it for the time being! Hit us up with questions and such, if you've got them. 8)