Sep 23, 2011 18:13


Due to the necessity that was dickpost, I will now P R O B A B L Y be posting the IC proposal of this sometime next week! In preparation for that and what comes after it, I'd really appreciate it if anyone who thinks their characters might be remotely interested either now or sometime in the first couple of months could comment with those character names here! Feel free to add any notes about the nature of their interest/the circumstances under which they will be interested/ whatever if you feel you need to, but this isn't binding or anything. If you put a character up on this list as a maybe it doesn't mean I will hunt you down if you decide "nnnaaahhh my character isn't really pinged just yet", and equally if you don't put your character onto this list that doesn't mean they can't get involved! It will just help me in starting to sort a few things out.

A few things which will become clear when I give you the lowdown of roughly how everything's going to work! Which will be right now.

P.S for anyone who didn't catch the first post about this, it's up over here to give you the basic idea!

For the first month, it's more or less going to be a getting an idea of numbers throwing ideas around working out how everyone feels and what everyone wants out of it kind of thing. That will result in the general structure of things having been decided which will mean (unless any other ideas are proposed IC!!! which i would be totally open to, please don't think the prospective guidelines mean your characters can't chip in better ideas or that those ideas won't be listened to!) that Renji and a few others, selected and asked for help through IC channels, will start keeping an eye out, talking to people, getting a general idea of what every individual's capable of and the sorts of experience levels they're currently at. Also it doesn't matter if your character is currently skills-less they're just as valuable as be-skilled characters!!!
Characters will then be assigned into small groups of 3-6 people consisting of both experienced and less-so characters whose abilities will be compatible with and supportive of one another. (This is why I need names; so I can start researching abilities and character relations and make some inital ideas for who's going to be with who!) This suggestion really pinged me, and I decided to go with it because of the type of CR it'll allow you to build. Like with randomised rooming! Only there'll definitely be some common ground to start out on - even if your characters don't necessarily like the personalities of the people they've been placed with, their abilities should definitely compliment each other so there'll be something to work off.

After that, it'll be a lot more freeform! There'll be logs for everybody's involvement (and during times of possible danger there will definitely be group things for people to participate in should they want to) but, for the most part, it's over to you during downtime! You can post up logs for your group to interact and train, have the more experienced tutor the younger, have social bonding things. If you want a couple of small groups to team up to test their progress against one another, that's an option. Basically, A N Y T H I N G you wanna do, you can do it! You can be as involved or as casual as you want to be. The main focus is to make sure all those who want to be are more closely interconnected so that if something bad does happen, the communication between everyone will be that much better and they'll all have a better understanding of how everyone functions in order to translate that into effective teamwork!

There won't be a 'leader' per se... Renji'll always be around for any questions and to make any arrangements and basically to answer any needs that he can (he'll feel a certain responsibility to make this work out, so...) but there won't really be any 'orders' until dangerous situations crop up and someone needs to take control and deliver instruction - even then, it'll be a fairly inclusive process since that's the... whole... point. Nothing is compulsory, nobody will be of greater importance than anybody else. This will be an endeavour ICly built pretty heavily on person-to-person respect and a desire to progress in doing what they're doing. If someone wants to drop out or only wants to occasionally involve themselves or whatever, that's all fine!

As I said, nothing's finalised yet and I still haven't come up with a complete plan for how things are going to be run and how frequently meetups will be held if at all etcetcetc, and I don't think I'll know any of that until the proposal post is up and finished with, but for now that's roughly where I'm at with ideas! I've never done anything like this before, so if you notice something off or have any suggestions please don't hesitate to ask questions/tell me/advise me! I'm pretty open to everything and I don't want this to be 'OH THAT'S GEE'S THING I SHOULDN'T INTRUDE' NO IT'S EVERYBODY'S OKAY E V E R Y B O D Y' S so let me know if there's anything up at all!!


TL;DR  Please comment with the names (and wiki and/or app link if you could spare them! no worries if you can't my sleeves are rolled up ready to do my own research that was an afterthought) of any potentially interested characters to the SIGN UP comment and leave any questions/concerns/ideas under the GEE SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME comment!

if you need to contact me about any of this or anything else, I can be found at loveslostlabours on AIM and crotchstick on plurk!

geerannosaurus rex, gee is the english butler of the jungle, ren-gee, plotnanigans, gee attempts ideas, vageena, gee is a magical baboon, gee whiz

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