Sep 21, 2011 00:02

Hi guys! Gee here, wanting to run an idea past you!

There are a lot of us who have characters who come from dangerous worlds with dangerous people (HI SHOUNEN HEROES!!! COMIC BOOK HEROES!!! ANY OTHER HEREOS!!!! or indeed villains!!! or indeed i could just shut up) and equally lots of us who don't, but would be keen to help out should any such dangerous people arrive on the Thor . Renji is one such dangerous-worlded character, and he's recently been suffering from a distinct lack of discipline, focus and military direction... which inevitably leads to something more dangerous. ~*thinking*~

Spend long enough, get paranoid enough (AIZENAIZENAIZENWHATIF) and antsy enough, and you begin to come up with a few things:

REALISATION: There are a whole bunch of refugees on the ship, a lot of whom have interesting abilities and skills that could be extremely useful in battle against a dangerous foe.

PROBLEM: For how many different people there are, all with different abilities and maturity levels and skill levels... not a great many of them have any grasp on one another in a military sense or even a personal one, and therefore wouldn't know the best ways to work together should a situation arise where combat's the inevitable solution. Some people's powers might be perfectly matched and they'd never know; some strategists might have brilliant ideas but always wind up with a loophole - a hole that another might be able to easily weed out and fill; one healer might only be able to treat magical wounds while another knows how to patch up physically etcetc.

and so:

PROPOSAL: The forming of a refugee group that allows individuals of any age, ability, skill to come together to spar, train, discuss and create better communication links. It can work in any number of ways; allowing people to match their abilities up with one another and learn to work together through organised spars/demonstrations, those with more experience can help tutor those with less, people who want to be able to help but have no particular skills can approach others and learn, people who want to develop their skills base can takes lessons too. Meetings can be held to discuss concerns and develop ways of being better prepared for potential situations. Think Dumbedore's Army, but without the Hogwarts and without Dumbledore.

Basically, I'm currently just poking about to see what interest there is! And also, if there is interest, how people would like to see it run. I'd be quite happy to get my hands stuck in on any level - whether you wanted it as a casual free-form 'make new acquantainces, spar a little, have a little fun' or if you wanted something more structured and regimented, focused toward a direct goal?

Key note - this isn't something just for fighters, or healers, or strategists. This is for e v e r y o n e. If you have a character who would want to be involved but has no particular skills to work off, half of the purpose of this group would be to teach and train, so they'd be more than welcome! Equally, don't think your character has to be really experienced or that they have to have some kind of power or be some kind of mastermind. Anybody or any skill level would be welcome; the idea isn't about creating an elite, but uniting people in order to create a stronger unit ready for the times where the only option left is to fight together. Defense by the people for the people with the people if you will. Equally, your character wouldn't be obliged to join or anything! IF they don't want to, they don't want to and that's that. IT'S DEFINITELY NOT AN OBLIGATORY THING.

Please feel free to toss around ideas, concerns, opinions in this post - I'll keep an eye on everything, and if it's an idea anyone is interested in I'll do my best to work with everyone to come up with something that can be fun and lasting!

(If there is any interest, I'll probably make an IC proposal sometime within the week!)

gee is still dokidoki kawaii, gee is the english butler of the jungle, thornanigans, this rp has crabs, lolz, the thor has a klabautermann, this is gross, why do i do things, renji's receding hairline isn't funny, renji has ape-crabs, gee is a babby, not hiatusing, not a single fuck was given, ninja are assholes, plotnanigans, gee has the power of fart, golly gee, more dicks, renji's tattoos are made of burnt ass, lol lol lol, plotapalooza, it could only be gee, gee has the power of heart, mm sexy, renji peed himself, gee attempts ideas, what is this idek, rated pee gee thirteen, whateva whateva i do what i want, tl;dr, srs bzns, pop and lock, idkwtfbbq, gee is queen of the toilet, gee is über dokidoki kawaii, gee breeds filth, shounen jumped, why do we do this to ourselves?, gee whiz, gee is smelling your pee an hour ago, i'll kill you all, tag this shit, lj fails, plotting, i will punt you, plotting timez, renji turned everyone gay, gee's the daddy, i am horrible i know., gee is a magical baboon, idk, renji drew his eyebrows on, plot

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