So. I can't teach you to bottle fame, brew glory, or stopper death, but I'm gonna try my damn hardest to convince you this guy can.
Hi, I'm Rieka, I'm utterly fresh meat, and this is my first time in a game this big in years. So I'm kinda utterly terrified here, work with me guys. I have a slightly bizarre schedule between school and pseudo-work which occasionally leaves me netless on weekends, and I'm moving to a new apartment sometime this month, so please bear with me and late tags, I really hate dropping threads before they're done.
I'm bringing you Severus Snape, that arrogant, snarky, snide, prickly bastard from Harry Potter. He comes pre-series, from the summer, right before Harry receives his Hogwarts' letter, so he's basically spent the last nine years building himself a reputation in Hogwarts and trying real hard to forget Harry Potter exists. He's got his moments, here and there, where he's almost a decent human being, but it should never, ever be taken to mean that he's in any shape or form, a nice man. Because he's not. He's really not. And Merlin's beard, he'll let you know.
So! While I figure out what the heck am I even doing here feel free to add me in plurk @
riekadevolka or poke me via email @ riekadevolka at gmail dot com or AIM @ notavodkashot. I'm open to pretty much anything and everything, when it comes to plotting so!