top me off you bastards!

Aug 29, 2011 14:35

Dear GB,

I have fought for some time now, but it's time to take a bow. I shall never admit defeat! But I know the value of strategic retreat.

I am also a poet and you didn't know it.

I knew when I had to force my ass out of my hiatus that it was time to start considering the inevitable. I've hit a few blocks, chief of which are my own drive and a lack of personal time I have to devote to the game. I tried to fix the former by apping Drizzt, but I merely made the latter worse. When I considered typing this post, I was filled with both sadness and relief.

At the risk of uncharacteristic sentimentality--I am a heartless bastard who cares for nothing at all!--I just have to say that this is the greatest game I've ever played in, both for content and the muns themselves. You are all awesome, which is why this isn't goodbye. You all know I'm around to harass on AIM (sometimes), and if that doesn't work, feel free to toss an email my way.

Drizzt Do'Urden (starthrilled) left to explore the bowels of the ship. He wrote a simple note to Chihaya saying he'd be back soon, but he was never heard from again.

Vegeta (superhubris) detonated himself to save a group of pony children from a powerful glue maker alien dude.

And for my favorite son, Uzumaki Naruto (sageraging), well, I like to think he saved the entire ship from a secret Purist terrorist plot at the cost of his presence, and like many true heroes, his sacrifice will never truly be known.

Thanks for all the awesome fun, both IC and OOC. I leave you with this in hopes that you will remember me as fondly as we all remember Bill Brasky.

image Click to view

Your lumberjack, punching-bag, and friend,

PS: Keywords relevant.

drop, lumberjacks never die

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