Hello. This is Nini. You know,
thinkin_arbys, and
volare_via Hold on...
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YEAH. OKAY. SO. I used to play this lady elsewhere, and I'll be darned if I can stay away from her for long. All you need to know is she's a pirate, she has big daggers, her boat is here, and what's yours is most likely subject to (OOCly authorized) appropriation.
If you feel the need to peruse her app, it is
here. You may or may not recognize her, but believe me, you will either love her dearly or hate her to bits.
So hide yo kids, hide yo wife, the scourge of every coast of Thedas is here! Isabela, of Dragon Age fame, now with moar towel. She is here to corrupt your innocents, shank your Jory, explore your Deep Roads, and master your taint. Boys (and girls), line forms to the left.
Oh, I, uh, should have asked where the boat is... OOPS. ALL CR DESIRED LOVED WANTED <33333