super cazzo

Aug 12, 2011 13:00

so this morning my macbook decided to take a super royal shit

let me paint the picture for you: it won't boot up. it will turn on, but nothing will boot up. then I called applecare and they were like you need to pay for service for the month and I'm like ok does it cover genius bar to which the lady said yes it does. turns out not and I am not pleased. and now my blackberry decided to delete my bbm because it fkn felt like it

teal deer technology hates me today and now deadpool (that would be my laptop) is not working. so indefinite hiatus until this shit gets worked out because I don't plan on using this old-ass toshiba :|

this affects my electromexican, my maestro_ezio and my eyeinthepast THANK YOU AND GOOD DAY I WILL MISS YOU ALL UNTIL I GET MY SHIT BACK TOGETHER

lina cusses like a sailor, see you in another life, tags in italian, not so bene, when we are all cats, cazzo

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