Hello GBers! I unfortunately have to call Slowatus/Mini-Hiatus again. Well, it will be slowatus tomorrow because of Catherine! Yes, Katherine (I know I misspelled it), shush. I love that game and will be absorbed in it. If you see me online it's because a puzzle is kicking my ass or I'm seeing blocks before me and need a break haha. Uhm, if you don't know what C/Katherine is,
you should find out now (Careful: Atlus's Persona Team is behind this so the trailer is iffy for some).
As for next week, Aug. 1st - Aug. 8th, I will be exploring the mystical land known as.... Canada. XD I'm going to visit with Game and World and whoever else is going to Animethon and we're just going to be doing whatever so I will either be tagging after I return to the hotel or just never tagging back at all until I come home on the 8th.
So... yea, slowatus most likely tomorrow, possible upgrade next week and it will affect all my characters:
Amaterasu //
motherofthesunNaomi //
chatwithdeathNaoto //
pishiroganeYuuka //
uscofseasonsRaidou //
kuzunohathexivRhyme //
lookingforabeat Post this before LJ acts up again!!