End of July Announcements!

Jul 24, 2011 18:41

×) This is the first of two heads-ups - Mom and Dad Kiwi and Ant are going to be frolicking at Otakon this upcoming weekend like a pair of immature teenaged weaboos, so we're not going to be around as often as we usually are. We'll put up a second reminder, probably on Wednesday before Kiwi leaves for the airport.

×) And along those lines, we are pleased to be able to announce the names of our new minions! Everyone please give a big Mostly Harmless round of applause to Francy, Xy, and Pie!

We'd like to take just a moment to point out that their job title, as well as that of Jade's and Lissa's, has changed slightly - they are no longer "Helper Mods" but "Mod Helpers". The emphasis is on "Helper" rather than "Mod", because the things we need them for don't really involve modding so much as...helping. We'll be updating our Mod Contact Post shortly with their information, but in the mean time you can have a peek and see exactly how we define the duties of our helpers, and how they fit into the grand scheme of things.

×) The end of the month is soon, so please hit up the Activity Check when you finish your AC requirements for July! If you haven't met full activity yet, don't worry! We've got a pretty ridiculous IID event coming up, so hopefully that will give everyone something to play with.

×) The Room Upgrades and Promotions post will be up in the OOC Comm on Wednesday, July 27th.

×) We put up a post yesterday regarding a cementation of how we'll be dealing with players who create negative anoncomm posts and RP!secrets right before the usual flood of intro posts, and it got kind of buried. It's not necessary to respond (unless you want to, of course!) but we feel this is an important enough issue we really want to make sure everyone has seen it and had the opportunity to read it.

×) And now, the reason you're all still reading this...

Click here for mood music...

...Uh, that is...The Infinite Improbability Drive is at it again! A large number of the Thor's population will inexplicably turn into ponies at the beginning of the event. Shenannigans, we are sure, will follow.

If your character is already a pony and you would like to turn her into a human (or reasonable facsimile thereof) for the duration of the event, that is cool.

Participation is, as always, completely optional if you're not interested in involving your character in this madness.

Delayed transformations are okay, as are early reversions.

There is a very nice Pony Creator on deviantArt, for those players who wish to immortalize their character's ponydom in icon form.

The event will begin on Wednesday, July 27th and run through Monday, August 1st. Depending on how quickly the mods recover from their convention adventure, arrival at August's planet may or may not be delayed slightly, but we'll try to keep you up to date on that once we figure out the state of our physical and emotional well-being on Monday. 8D;

×) Lastly, we'll be unveiling some 2nd Anniversary events and goodies in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for those!

The posting of questions, comments, and pony!characters is highly encouraged.

!announcements, !mod post

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