/stumbles in

Jun 12, 2011 10:25

/falls on face

hi. i'm kally, and you may remember me from those brief days when I played Sundra Peale.

well that was a failure, right? aha...well I'm back thanks to the enabling of our lovely Yandere, and I bring here one of my definite sticking favorites, Tear Grants of Tales of the Abyss. She's here from the very end, where she's pretty much glued to Luke's side after his return from death. So when she gets here, she'll be very concerned, confused, and strict as hell. Want a lecture? just ask Tear, not that you'd want any lecture of hers...

well she'll be constantly at Luke's side here, berating him and crushing on him...but you guys already expected that, right? right.

i'm tall, brown-haired, and i don't bite i swear! my plurk is stuffofdreams, and my personal journal is writesonthesly. did i mention i hate the shift key? because i do.

adds to the tales of cast, introduction

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