/faceplants lsdfj
Oh my goodness, GB, it is wonderful to be back ;;
SO REMEMBER THAT ONE PERSON WHO KIND OF DISAPPEARED OFF THE FACE OF THE INTERNETS WITHOUT LEAVING SO MUCH AS A WARNING OR HIATUS NOTICE yeah that might have been me... >>a; RL and school combined kind of devoured my soul, but after some epic asskickery I have won it back, and I return!
For those whom it may concern, and also because I feel this kind of thing sort of needs a justifiable handwave skldfj /NITPICKS DETAILS FOREVER, Ukitake has spent the bulk of the previous month laying low and possibly doing a good deal of sleeping due to some very familiar health problems. He'll be back up to snuff by now, however, and should be making his normal rounds of the network and the Thor once again in due order /o/ ......Also, that being said, any information concerning what's been going on in the last month that I or this old derp should probably/already know about would be much loved and appreciated fff /PREPARES TO TRAWL COMM FOR GREAT CATCHING-UP JUSTICE...
Ah, and in addition to all that, I have finally obtained an
account of Plurkness, with much thanks to the lovely Luce for nudging me out of my complete outdatedness and possibly selling my newly-retrieved soul to the Plurk-collective 8| 8| Feel free to add me if you feel it is worthy :D;;
And, last but not least, HELLO AND GREETINGS TO ALL OF YOU LOVELY AND DELICIOUS NEW PEOPLE~~ I am Alice, I play this old fart here, and I have a horrible penchance for tl;dr and ramblings, as you see. 8) ALLOW ME TO PULL ALL OF YOU INTO MY BOSOM....
Okay I do believe that is all fffffff