Jun 06, 2011 22:46


There, now I have your attention. I've been looking for a chance for Matthew to actually be a villain for a while, and I know there's already a plot going on, but since I play a baby final boss whose deal is being good with monsters on a planet full of dragons? I can't pass this up.

Okay, here's my idea, which I hope manages to be vaguely RPG logicish.

Matthew makes friends with some dragons, and they show him the Dragon Graveyard. Like the Elephant Graveyard, but with DRAGONS. Being the sort of guy who would do this, he begins to animate dragon corpses just to be soldiers, but as he communicates with the older dragons, they give hints to a secret; the location of the fossilised remains of an ancient, gigantic and extremely powerful pre-historic dragon and ~another secret~ to be revealed at the end of this plot post.

These remains happen to be entombed on an inhabited floating island, famous for its ancient ruins. And when you have an army of fresh undead dragons, this is not a problem for you. So, soon enough the island is overrun with the critters, causing an attempted emergency evacuation, so that Matthew can steal the fossil in peace. Problem is, this will also attract a lot of attention, which is where you come in!

For the majority of the month, the island will basically be a dungeon crawl. It will be covered in monsters of various strength that will attack anyone who intrudes without reason, and who cannot be persuaded to stop by any means but force. The deeper into the island one goes, the stronger the dragons get, and the strongest ones are in the maze like ruins, which Matthew will block off with puzzles as he explores. (It makes sense to him, lord knows why.)

At the bottom of the ruins? The fossil of course, and what is keeping the undead dragons animated, an enchanted item that Matthew has crafted. So, in order to stop the senseless rampaging, some valiant heroes will have to venture down into the ruins to stop him. Either out of a sense of justice, curiosity or Wrryndia are paying people with experience to deal with it. Of course, this just means he will initiate a boss battle by reviving the prehistoric dragon, at which point a Godzilla sized skeleton will become the source of the other dragon's animation. Whilst Matthew escapes with the ~other secret~, which is [the still living prehistoric dragon egg that was in a state of hibernation for millions of years inside of the fossil.]

Throughout this whole thing, Matthew will be wearing a very convincing disguise, and I would really rather he not be caught this time; but there will definitely be a hint or two dropped towards his identity, the idea being that he will be causing more trouble in the future and I'll have him get caught after a nice build up.

Well, that's that, hope people are interested.

plotting, mal, rpg logic rocks, plotnanigans, how may plot tags we need, plot

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