SUP MOSTLY HARMLESS??? this is vicki (aka
shigurezuki &
paradoxhunter mun) and i am finally making a triumphant(?) return from con land... even though i'm like half a week late. oops.
I WILL BE POSTING LIKE MAD SOON WITH GURE, and will try to get to all the tags I owe (which are like a week or two late. sob); if you're okay with dropping it... let me... know??? dlksa;lfa if not i'll just keep on tagging it lmfaofasl;f
as for Zero, he's signed up for that awesome Loki(?) ship plot thing, and will be participating in that once i finally catch up on everything ever. REGARDLESS IF ANYONE WANTS TO DO BACKDATED THINGS WITH HIM I AM DOWN??? idk. /silent scream
as always, you guys are free to hit me up on AIM at bakyura kida.
UHHHH that's it? i think. deeeerp.