Apr 09, 2011 23:45

Hey guys!

As we're sure many of you are aware, there have been quite a few inflammatory RP secrets recently directed at our Touhou cast. On the other side of things, there have also been quite a few hurtful secrets directed at a specific player here.

Firstly, we want to say that we don't find any of these secrets to be acceptable. Every single one is childish, immature, and makes the game look like crap. Airing dirty laundry in a public forum like RP!S reflects poorly not only on the person or people they are aimed at, but on the game in which those people play.

Obviously we can't call out any of these secret makers, as, 1.) we don't know their identities, and 2.) they might not even be in the game.

What we can do, however, is talk to all of you.

×) Firstly, we'd like to remind everyone that bullying in any form is completely, totally, and without question absolutely unacceptable. This includes, but is not limited to: insulting and inflammatory comments made to your fellow players, whether anonymous or logged-in (in- or out-of-game!) screen-capping locked community posts and reposting them in anonmeme or elsewhere, or otherwise harassing and belittling your fellow players. If you have a problem with someone, your first response should NOT be to harass them anonymously or make an rp!secret, it should be to talk to the mods. We are friendly, open, and perfectly reasonable human beings who will listen to what you have to say and try to help you work through your problem. We want everyone to have fun here, and if you're having trouble doing that because of another player, we want to help!

If your problem with another player is not something you can legitimately bother the mods with because there is no actual basis for said problem and you don't like that player "just because" or based entirely on hearsay and rumors, then perhaps you might consider giving them a chance! You might be surprised to find that they're not as bad as you'd initially thought. However, if you don't wish to give them that chance, then you needn't interact with them. But under no circumstance should you ever let your internal judgment sway your external actions.

×) Secondly, we want to request that if further negative secrets directed at a player or group of players here make their way onto RP!S, please do not comment on them. Giving the secret-maker feedback, whether it be positive or negative, is validating the secret's existence, and - as we hope everyone can agree - validating a negative secret's existence is the very last thing we want to do! It takes two to tango, or in this case, wank. If someone tries to start something, they can't unless you allow them to. So please, if you're tempted to hit the 'reply' link, close the tab instead. If that doesn't help and you still really want to comment, try coming back to gargleblasted and tagging a post instead! Tag someone you've never played with before! Initiate some CR! Spend your time doing something positive and fun, rather than negative and stressful!

We’re not trying to say you’re not allowed to discuss these things as they come up - that would be a pretty ridiculous thing to demand! We’re just asking that if you do so, don’t do it in a public place, and especially not on RP!S. Keep it among yourselves, on AIM or private plurk.

We know it's easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment, especially when we feel friends and fellows are being attacked. Even so, as a community, choosing to not invest in negativity and wank allows all of us to focus on the good things. Playing, forming CR, and plotting to the limits of our imaginations and beyond.

As mods, we want this community to be a safe place for everyone. As players, we want to have as much fun as everyone else. Let's work toward positivity and good times for everyone together, Mostly Harmless!

Cheers, and thank you!

~The Mostly Harmless Mod Team

!announcements, !mod post

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