belay that

Mar 19, 2011 14:53

First, Rydia's drunk dialing network post and birthday party are being moved to next Sunday.

Second, World is absolutely fantastic, and I shall tell you why. Well, aside from the fact that she is made of win, we've come up with a plot that involves a cult that worships a cardboard box.

→ The cult thinks that the cardboard box is their god. They have a secret shrine to it, but no one knows where it is except the cult members.

→ The cult is strictly non-violent. They're not going to attack anyone. The most they'll do is annoy the hell out of you. Violence is not the way of The Box. (May it be praised.)

→ According to Seme, the cult also snorts Pixie Sticks in order to commune with nature.

→ Since The Box obviously can't talk, the cult members rely on prophets to communicate with the box for them. Unfortunately their last prophet died of an infected paper cut (it was the will of The Box), so now they're searching for a new one.

→ They believe Kiriko to be their head prophet. They think the eye patch is his way of communicating with The Box. Poor Kiriko will be followed around by a bunch of devoted strangers. They might even camp out outside of his house. They're very zealous. (Amen.)

→ Kiriko isn't their only prophet, but he is their head prophet. Feel free to have your characters become prophets of theirs for strange reasons. This means they'll be followed around and basically asked for messages from The Box so that they can do its will. Your character can even ask the cult to do things for them. Just as long as it isn't violent they'll obey. Think of them like a bunch of hippies. Peace, love, pixie sticks and The Holy Gas. (The Holy Gas is just like the Force. Just stay away from the Dark Side.)

→ Yes, the rock will be involved.

→ No, you can't snort pixie sticks in order to commune with nature.

→ Seme if I don't see the Hollow participate in this, I will hurt you.

→ Why is the rum gone?

→ I forgot what I was going to say.

→ Wait, now I remember.

→ The plot will start sometime next month. It'll probably only go on for no longer than a week, ending with the cardboard box being set on fire. If you want to volunteer for this, you can. The cult will basically just cry a lot and then find something else to do with their lives. But not before they make Kiriko cry.

Questions/comments/concerns/Lady what manner of fuckery is this all go right here. This is an open plot so everyone and anyone is allowed to participate. It's just something cracky and lighthearted, so I hope you all have fun with it. :D

why are the tags gone?, well fuck, plotting, lady's posts make me cry, lol lol lol, plot

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