End of January announcements!

Jan 24, 2011 23:15

× January is almost over! If you haven't yet, get your posts in for the month, then roll on over to the Activity Check page and shower us with your links! You too, new folks! If anyone is confused or has any questions about the requirements, please ask them in this post, as it is stalker-pinned by the mods whereas the AC post is not.

Miscellaneous AC-related business:
× Just a reminder, we only asked for one (1) network post in November instead of the usual two. If you haven't linked your November activity yet, please do so when you hit us up with January's!

× AC was totally waived during December. If you didn't post anything in November and posted a lot in December, you can link us to December posts, and we'll count them for November's activity. This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing (unless we do this next Holiday season too, whiiiich...we probably will), so don't miss out!

× For new people: If you were accepted during the January 8th application round, we consider that plenty of time to have met full activity! If you haven't got two posts (or thread equivalent, please see the AC page for more info), you've still got a week! If you were accepted during the January 22nd application round, we'd like to see at least an intro post!

× Lastly - unfortunately, we ran into a few bumps in our journey to overhaul the AC requirements, but rest assured, the overhaul is still in the works! Basically we're going to be adding to the ways to meet activity already in place in order to make AC more flexible for more players, but we've still got to balance that with what we'll be able to manage on our end of things when it comes to actually tallying AC. The proposed additions will be up for player perusal and discussion ASAP, though realistically that will be after the IID event and arrival at our newest planet.

×) The room upgrades and promotions post will be up on Saturday, January 29th.

×) The February Improbability Drive Event:

It's so subtle, your character might not even notice it happening at first. In fact, after the past few times the Improbability Drive has turned on, this time seems downright...normal! As the hours go by, though, and they go about their daily lives, they might find themselves being a bit more...truthful...than usual. Because the alternative is a rather nasty, inexplicable electric shock.

It's time for a truth event! Whether the effect on your character is subtle, comical, ridiculous, or (if you'd rather not participate) nonexistent, it's bound to lead to shenanigans of some kind! Right? Right!

The event will begin on Wednesday, January 26th with the usual Captain's announcement, and continue through Sunday the 30th.

× We're going to begin including game-relevant questions and answers - though depending on how many we wind up with from month to month, we might move this to a separate post entirely. For now, though, here are some miscellaneous things we'd like to share!

× How do I switch my character's journal?
Let the mods know the name of the journal you'd like to use (be it in AIM, or in the Mod Contact post), and then join all the communities like you did when you were accepted with your current journal. Once that's done, just drop a post in the OOC comm letting the other players know about the journal switch.

× Can characters try to contact other ships while on planet?
Yes. Talk to the Mods to arrange how this will work.

× How far can a refugee get from the Thor before their Guide stops being able to connect to the network?
As long as someone is on the Thor, they can connect to the network. Same if they're planet-side, though the connection might get sketchy if they travel far enough and manage to put the planet between themselves and the Thor.

× Is it possible to delete entries made to the network?
No. People cannot ICly delete stuff off the network.

× Are Thor's citizens allowed to take the same jobs as refugees do? Namely to be "test subjects" like refugees are allowed.
None of the jobs offered are refugee-only. You can pretty much assume there are citizen NPCs working any kind of job there is, even as test subjects.

× Are there human NPC's around Thor? Like citizens? Or are all of them aliens?
There are a few humanish NPC aliens floating around. Two of the main characters in HHGG are alien but look exactly like humans (if you were to ignore the extra head and third arm on one of them, of course).

× Are there any kind of transportation vehicles? Perhaps not cars because it's a closed place after all and I picture it a bit like a mall, but maybe something like golf carts. They could be bought at certain wage or rent for a bit less, or there could be some larger ones as public transport?
There are, actually! Folks have several different options, from the elevators (there are ones that go sideways, too), to those moving floors you see at airports to help you walk faster, to bus-like machines that can zip you from one end of the station to another, teleporters that malfunction hilariously and drop your character in unexpected and embarrassing places....for a start! If you've got any ideas about how characters get around, feel free to use them!

That's it for this month! Questions, comments, concerns, etcetera can be posted here, as always!

!announcements, !mod post

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