End of the month announcements!

Jun 22, 2010 20:04

Hey guys! It's getting to be that time again!

What time is that, you ask? Why, it's End of the Month Announcement Time, of course!

This is just a heads-up on what to expect 'round here in the next two weeks as we slide through the end of June and on into July.

On Thursday, June 24th - Friday, June 25th there's going to be a luau! Down on Iiawah, the friendly natives wish to express their gratitude to the citizens of the S.S. Thor for spending nearly the entire month on their humble, crab infested planet, partaking of local customs and parting with so much sweet, sweet, touristy currency. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend!

We'll be posting an open log in stop_panicking when the Luau begins on Thursday. Between now and then, feel free to have your characters discuss amongst themselves with bated breath/barely concealed horror at the prospect of a night filled with roast crab, tiki torches, grass skirts, and more flower necklaces than you can shake a stick at.

On Saturday, June 26th & Sunday, June 27th the mods will be going over applications.

Monday, June 28th is when we'll be beginning the July Improbability Drive Event! This month the S.S. Thor will be experiencing some slight sound and color disruptions as the atmosphere on the ship transforms into a 1920s style black-and-white silent film. We sure hope you guys are good at charades!

The Improbability Drive Event will end on Thursday, July 1st, at which point the Thor will arrive at its next destination. OOC details to follow in the usual Captain's Post when that comes about.

Monday, June 28th is also when we'll be putting up the Room Upgrades and Promotions post, for those of you who have characters interested in bettering their wages and/or living arrangements.

Lastly and also importantly! Any time between now and the end of the month is a great time to head down to the Permanent Activity Post we set up last month and link us to your June activity! If you haven't made two posts yet, don't worry - there's still plenty of time! Alternately, if we asked you for an additional post this month to make up for a missing one in May, please be sure to link us to that post!

Thank you for reading the June edition of End of the Month Announcement Time! See you next month!

!announcements, !mod post

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