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p_p_p_pasta June 16 2010, 03:25:53 UTC
IT'S FINE. That's why we have the chance for everyone to discuss this stuff.

1) The required network post is basically due to the nature of the game and an option for characters to interact more easily. Comment spamming seems to be the preferred method (Although I'll admit, there's a good balance between logging and commenting), and we're trying to not only cater a bit more to that, but to also promote characters mingling with one another in this way. Liiiike let's say I want Italy here to expand his surroundings a bit more and get him to interact more, a network post is more likely to get a few nibbles than a log post.

2) We actually spoke quite a bit about this one! We essentially wanted to leave time for those who may have had something happen to prevent their activity for a month to come up to us, which is why we had the two month rule in the first place. It's mostly to give the benefit of the doubt. Obviously, if it happens a couple of times with the same person popping in and out, eyebrows are going to be raised.


4) It'll be mostly stuff with the new profile and pictures. ;;

5) We discussed this one too for a while, and we felt that a week would be a good balance-- two weeks, to me at least, seems like a bit too much. Keep in mind, we'll also be keeping track of who continuously kills off his or her character, so if something feels a bit off, we'll say something.

6) This kind of ties in with 5, when it comes to murder and the like-- we have them as staying locked up for about a week or two, and we're going to trust players to use their best judgment given these parameters. We're fluid with how the justice system works, so if there seems to be a increase in Characters Going Apeshit, we'll adjust accordingly!

7) We'll go through it and see how we can tighten it up, then! :D

8) I think we may have made the social caste system sound a bit more serious than it actually is. Although refugees ARE treated as lesser on the social ladder, that doesn't mean that you have to have your character getting kicked around. As the game has been running so far, it's been THERE, just not overbearing. We only really wanted to cement and clear any confusion concerning the matter. ….D-did that make sense? ;;



justforthegun June 16 2010, 03:43:13 UTC
okaz fuck ROLEPLAZ SECRET I GUESS, i am in swityerland on a retarded german kezboard so just deal with mz fancz eurotzping i cant be assed anzmore LMAO (i had to copzpasta that from mz laptop onto the computer that actuallz had internet) all the punctuation is in crayz places too dksjfoaihfdf i now sound significantlz less intelligent forgive me

1) i guess im confused as to whz zoud enforce that instead of allowing it to be an option rather than the rule. i figure activitz is more about making sure people put forth the effort, and i think open logs is definitelz putting forth the effort. as it is i actuallz think activitz is skewed far too heavilz in the networks favor... i see a lot of people making posts that arent reallz appropriate for network most likelz because thez feel pressured to make activitz check. also some characters are less inclined to post on the internets and Accidental Posts are kind of awkward sometimes.

2) i think its less about someone perpetuallz abusing this rule and more about plazers who verz clearlz dont care about being in the game taking up the slot for so long so easilz. itd be a bit different for someone who, saz, has been active and around for a while suddenlz disappearing for a month, vs someone who just apped in and never posted or posted just once and disappearing immediatelz after that. tldr not like malicious abuse of activitz so much as giving too much room for people who verz clearz dont care at all i guess. just mz two cents on it though i understand wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt.

5/6) ah okaz, zeah of course the rules can alwazs be adjusted as needed. i want to leave as much up to plazer discretion as possible too but i definitelz think deaths/killing has gotten a little out of hand...and this is from a plazer of a character who canonlz fucking loves deaths LMAO like having this manz happen so much is just like, Whats The Point now. but well see if things even out i guess. im definitelz glad new penalties have been added at all.

8) zeah actuallz when i thought about it more a social caste szstem can be just as much about luls as it can be about SERIOUS BUSINESS SOCIOLOGZ!! ...the rest of mz replz to this still goes into the GIANT THING I WANT TO TALK ABOUT so ill refrain or mazbe puke it up later when im not on a fucking german kezboard FFFUDFKJAFOIHF



maskedbreathing June 16 2010, 03:49:42 UTC
1) I see LOTS of activity posts that don't really LOOK like network posts. I wish they were not there. I wish they were in the logs comm. While I do agree that we should have one network post and one any other post, I DEFINITELY think there are network posts that just shouldn't be there. \

and omg don't even get me started on some accidental posts.


princemunculus June 16 2010, 04:05:52 UTC


p_p_p_pasta June 16 2010, 04:20:27 UTC
JESUS CHRIST WHAT HAPP-- oh. 8D; Hopefully I can decipher this well enough to answer!

1) I agree with you on the putting forward the effort! I always get really happy to see a nice, long log, whether I'm a part of it or not. However, I think we should also take a step back and consider the nature of the game. Although there are dark moments at times, it's meant to be a more lighthearted style game that's based on (...mostly >_>) quick threading, and I feel that the activity requirements should reflect that style. In that way, we're trying to make the mandatory network post as a way to help characters get out more. It's always something that's open to change in the future, just keep in mind that it's meant to help everyone out rather than go "WE WANT THIS. WE WANT IT NOW. RAWWWRRR!!!"

2) With a rule like this I'd actually prefer to take baby steps and chip away at it a bit at a time before making it too harsh. I think part of the issue is that we also give an extra week for players to come up to us with missing activity, so by the time we finally do the final purge, it's almost been two and a half months. To help with the problem though, we're actually entertaining the idea of introducing something where new players must make a post within a month of being accepted.

8( You are not Scar.


justforthegun June 16 2010, 08:04:33 UTC
1) er i dont think logs = serious business, theres plenty of simple logs that can just be 'comment spam'. logs are simply face to face interactions imo. ( http://community.livejournal.com/stop_panicking/155135.html#cutid1 for instance )
what im trying to say is the distinction between whats should legitimately be on the network and whats better off as a log should be better maintained but with activity requirements the way they are players are pressured to fit any random post idea they can into the ''network'' whether or not it actually belongs there

2) yeah i think 6 weeks and TWO AND A HALF MONTHS of someone literally doing NOTHING before ever getting purged, even if theyve been here before or for a while, is completely ridiculous. you have to pretty much be in the hospital to be gone that long with no reasonable word and at that point i doubt roleplay is their concern in the slightest. its something to keep in mind.


p_p_p_pasta June 16 2010, 18:43:09 UTC
1) The thing is, a network post itself is in fact text or video or audio. What players choose to do in comments afterward is completely up to them-- this is the same in many other games. They can continue to use video/text/audio/messenger pigeon/etc., or cut to action if/when they see fit. As for the pressure... I honestly don't believe that there's too much pressure to do a single network post per month when we also provide a whole bunch of other options. In all honesty, it's just how the game works int he end, and our particular requirements for activity.

2) It definitely is something to keep in mind, which is why we shortened down the time dramatically. If it still seems like time is just inching by in Activity Checks in the future, then we'll reconsider, but for now I believe that the six week system is what we're going to settle with.


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