okay!!! Renji's about to send out an IC notice for a DUMBLETHORS PLANNING MEET UP
The meeting itself will be a log which will go up on the 16th/17th of December but which will have an indeterminate IC date so you can backtag into forever and a day because honestly, it's holiday season, I'm definitely floundering under the weight of schoolwork and holiday responsibility etcetc and I know there's lots of other people who are and will be so THIS IS AS LOOSE AS A LOOSE THING IS LOOSE. It'll cover such topics as WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING and NO BUT REALLY I STILL DON'T GET IT, but aside from setting out the potential structure will also act as a space where those characters with doubts/interest in setting up alliances/interest in taking a more active role/interest in telling them to back the hell up we don't want an army on this ship etc can approach Renji and fellows (a.k.a the shinigami and whoever else he is in cahoots with at the time can I please take this opportunity to note that I WILL BE.... contacting people regarding this soon and making more of an effort about this whole thing because I have absolutely positively NOT TALKED TO ANYBODY ABOUT THIS AT ALL FOR WEEKS WHOOPS sorry guys dfgdfg).
I'll put up a more informative OOC post closer to the time, including things like a draft of how the group will be run which will be updated once in character interactions regarding the whole thing have taken place and we have a final concrete arrangement, but for now this is basically a general the ball is finally rolling announcement and also a place where people can put forward any new ideas they might have about this whole thing in general!! If you've any questions, ideas or comments, feel free to address them to me either here or on aim @ miscreates or in a PM to this journal oooor on
plurk For anyone who has absolutely no idea what I'm talking about right now, I'll go and get links to the original idea posts shortly!! or possibly in the morning as it's currently dumb o clock and I have no brain for searching for things but SOON MY PRETTIES SO....ON.....
okay looking at it this was actually a pretty useless post but I MADE IT ANYWAY SO BITE ME