Oh god new character

Nov 13, 2011 14:47

This is Jen (player of amygdalated) bringing in a new character.

This here is Koumyou Sanzo from the Saiyuki fandom. He's 47 years old and probably one of the weirdest monks you'll ever meet. He's also probably responsible for the majority of the shit that has gone down in Saiyuki. Dammit Koumyou stop making bets with people.Anyways, this is Koumyou and he's ( Read more... )


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onehotkappa November 13 2011, 22:12:53 UTC
Why, hello there.


thegroovysanzo November 13 2011, 22:20:31 UTC
Stop making that face at him Gojyo he's an old man. :|


onehotkappa November 13 2011, 22:21:46 UTC
He's not that old.


thegroovysanzo November 13 2011, 22:24:49 UTC
He's old enough to have naked baby pictures of Sanzo and that is clearly old enough.


onehotkappa November 13 2011, 22:25:32 UTC
Gojyo will do whatever it takes to get his hands on those pictures.


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