(no subject)

Oct 31, 2011 20:43

I know I was supposed to come back from slowatus a week ago, but it got extended. And unfortunately, I'm here to report an extension once more. Only this time it will be a full hiatus instead of just me being slow.

I won't go into details, but due to circumstances outside of my control, I will be taking my cat to a no kill shelter on Wednesday and surrendering him. I've had him for four years and rescued him from an abusive home. And now I have to say good bye because the place we finally found to live doesn't allow pets.

Therefore I am not, in anyway, going to be in the mind set to RP or focus on tags. At all. This is, honestly one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and it's going to take a while to get over it (I haven't seen him in three weeks, and this will be the last time I ever do.)

Therefore, Sora will simply be wondering around for the next week, basically on auto-pilot. If I have something planned with you, I'm really sorry, but it will have to wait until I get back.

I will be around on plurk, but that will be about it. So if you need me, just send me a private plurk on there. I plan to be back by Saturday, at the very latest, but in the mean time. the KH cast has god mode rights (Especially Riku and Ven.)

hiatus for reals, hiatus

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