Planning a X-mas party in October cuz that's how I roll 8)

Oct 22, 2011 01:49

Hi guys! Robyn here! So Christmas is a REALLY BIG DEAL in Gundam Wing. It's the anniversary of the end of two wars. Canonically, celebrating X-mas is srz bsns and, yep, Preventer attends to that stuff to some degree. So hey, does anyone want to have a X-mas party during the 2nd week of December? I selected that timeframe to avoid conflicting with everyone's RL holiday plans. IC-ly, the party will be held on the 24th of December but the log will be forward-dated. But Robyn, what's an intelligence bureau and department of defense doing holding a swag party? Aren't they a bunch of stiffs or something? Yes, they are. 8) That is why I have compiled this list of objectives as justification for holding this party along with some other bulleted lists because I love lists.

  • This a good way to gather a lot of refugees together in one place and scope out potential investors.
  • It's also a good way to gather intel. Yep, there will be recording devices and surveillance everywhere including someone manning video surveillance in a control room so, if any shit goes down, they'll have it on tape. Does anybody still use tape anymore? IDEK this canon is from 1995. 8| 
  • Since there are so many refugees gathered together in one location, it's also a big shiny Purist target. I've been toying with the idea of having a subplot where a bomb is found at the party but only a select few trusted agents find out and they'll try to defuse it while everyone's off being oblivious and having fun. Do you want the bomb to go off or not injuring your character? Do you think this subplot is a good idea? Just got clearance from Ant to blame it to a non-Purist extremist faction who have misinterpreted the Purist vision on things. Anyway, weigh in down below!

  • Preventer pitches in for MISSIONS every month in terms of agents, secretaries, interns and maybe something extra thrown into the mix for some variety.
  • For November and December, we're throwing in A LOT OF EXTRA MISSIONS aside from the usual.
  • November: This month will be spent promoting the event. Delivering invitations, scoping out a location, party planning, seeking out security, finding a caterer will be but a few of the things that have to be done. Are there any particular missions you want to see in connection to promoting the event? I'll need your suggestions before October ends so I can submit them for November.
  • December: Since the log goes up on the 2nd week of December (unless you guys have another preferred time) but is actually forward-dated to December 24, we'll have a lot of time paradoxes going on when it comes to missions. Though the party's already happening, it's in the future. This means any mission-related logs or network posts you make in connection to the party may be posted after the party log goes up but will be considered as taking place BEFORE THE PARTY. Timeframe is actually something I'm very iffy on so any and all suggestions will be appreciated. As for December missions, we'll have people catering, folding napkins, security, surveillance, bouncers, waiters and all that stuff. All additional suggestions welcome! 

The Plot and You:
  • As mentioned earlier, I'm considering a bombing subplot for this. Would People who hate Purists be open to this? Not that it's actually going to be Purists pulling the stunt. Just got it cleared with Ant that it'll be a different faction. 8)
  • Dress Code: Black and White. Have fun with that. ;)
  • Invites will be delivered by hand but there will also be an IC announcement on the network in case your invite gets lost in the mail.
  • Mistletoe shenanigans? Karaoke? Booze? We'll have all that and more but any and all suggestions would be welcome. If your character wants to dress up as Santa and obnoxiously belt "All I Want For Christmas is You" while trying to ride a reindeer topiary, be our guest. 8)
  • The surveillance and security systems are state of the art. I could offer the job on the missions posts but I'm asking any techie characters here first if they want the job.
  • I already talked to Em about this and Rikku will be demonstrating Preventer's latest project at this party: HOLOGRAMS.
  • Kyoya will be chatting people up for PR's sake and will also be a liaison for most of the promotion. Feel free to be dragged into the promotional blitz this November. c:

  • Hngh gaiz, big plot is big. Really looking forward to your input. Also, any tips on how to set up a log this big?
  • Dates are not mandatory to this but if you really want to ask someone to go with you, do so!
  • No venue yet but, when they're done decorating, it should look like the lair of The Snow Queen from Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen. Basically, like this ice hotel. Though, rather surprisingly, it won't be all that cold inside. Miracles of technology and everything. c: Some weird alien crystal donated by an investor as a thank you, ok? I guess we're hiring crystal artisans as early as November too. 8U
  • There is a carousel in the ballroom.
  • Questions, suggestions, violent reactions? Do comment!
  • Tl;dr it's a X-mas party, guys!

robyn is socially awkward t_t, jobs, overzealous apologies for no reason, tl;dr, srs bzns, pop and lock, making a sweater with these threads, plotting, winter gala, plotting timez, plotnanigans, robyn is a cr whore, plotapalooza, plot, so intense!!!!, airplanes are not shooting stars, this is so totally robyn's fault

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