KOTOR Sing-along

Sep 12, 2003 15:34

^_^ Gamer Rant. Yayness.

Knights of the Old Republic
First inspection, it passes. The usual Star Wars scroll takes up time but we will forgive. Then-ta-da!! Knights of the Old Republic is big boldness. Flashy. Graphics are good; battle system is nice in a new sort of way. Characters are interesting enough and the plot is the usual save the galaxy thing you’d expect, ‘cept now you get to pick to save it or enslave it. Fun fun for all groups. ‘kay, kick it old school and fire up a new game.

Explanation: Right, I picked FEMALE because A) I AM female and B) My mother called me an IT the other day and I’m asserting my feminine identity. ‘kay. According to the walkthrough…if you play through as a female character, you get to choose to shmooze with a certain MALE that joins your party. Not just ANY male, a CERTAIN male. The one that yells and cusses. Constantly. Maybe not constantly. This man is the love child of Miranda and Squall Leonhart. He is both sullen and uncommunicative or having a spaz fit and yelling. “damn” makes up a good percent of his vocabulary. O.o Good choice. The rest of the men in my party scare the daylights out of me. Riiighhhtttt.

^_^ Example of a conversation with Carth:

Me: So…err…what’s your story
Carth: >_O I don’t have one mind your own business
Me: ‘kay…
Carth: O.O FINE!! You wanna know, I’ll tell you! Damn frustrating woman!!
Me: O.o

Moving to the actual game.

Phase One - The Endar Spire/Where in the HELL are my cloths?!

This is just to teach you the basics of fighting, equipping weapons and the use of general tactics that you will disregard completely later in the game because A) You think your special and do not NEED this advice or B) You actually LIKE watching the characters run around in their underwear.

Your buddy here is Trask, Triscuit, Trisk or some other equally annoying name. (Quick, get dressed!) Like I wouldn’t have figured that out on my own.

-- I actually really love the fighting system in this game. It mixes real-time with turn based. Those time bars in the FF series kill my nerves and there are interesting little FEATS your can make characters learn so they can kill people in interesting ways.

Run around, loot the bodies of the dead, lose the dude you’ve got and pick up a new one (goosh ain’t he sweet?) and crash land on a near-by planet because you’re a lush and can’t fly the escape pod. ^_^

Phase Two - Taris/Bastila? Who the @#$% is Bastila?

Cue introductions. Your new buddy is Carth, Carth Onasi and he is a soldier in the Republic, deeply suspicious and when you get your ass in a sling ‘cause you’re a nosy lush he’s there to back you up. -_<

{Fangirl Tip: Be NICE to him damn it!}


I spent 8 hours looking for my shadow, picked up a new character (ain’t she…cute) was generally helpful to the populace that were not out to kill me, romped around in some sewers, picked up ANOTHER character (ain’t he….fuzzy) engaged in highly dangerous sports to save the girl (no, another one. Bastila Shan if she can’t do it no one can) met a dude that wouldn’t join me till I killed some evil guys/steal vital codes to get me the @#$% off this rock, picked up YET ANOTHER character (picking up a trend yet?) just so I could kill the evil guys and get the aforementioned dude.

{Gamer Tip: Carth and Canderous-kills creeps dead}

I used the pair above to storm Davik’s place. Where they make an effective team in killing things, I’m under the impression they are not particularly…fond…of each other. I actually shudder to think of any yaoi pairing for this game.


Yaoi pairings would be incredibly odd... Malak is missing his lower jaw (if that’s your kink, go for it….O.o ) Carth has some…issues….with people…(like the x-files, trust no one) Canderous…o.o scares the daylights out of me (he is teddy bear…really ^_^) Jolee is old. OLD. And Zaalbar is a giant walking carpet. Unless pf course, your character is a male…which is just entirely too Gary-Stu….X_x

Whatever. Kill the freak in the purple armor and steal his boat. Ship. Pretty ship. Go ZOOM off the planet and go to…

Phase Three - Dantooine/The Truth about Cats and Dogs

You drop off Bastila and someone realizes your special. And you are, because now you get to be a Jedi. Bah- @#$% that, I get a lightsaber. Infinitely more awesome than the stick I’ve been smacking people with. Anyway, the Council decides to ‘test’ you by sending you on a special mission. Yay.

Again I dragged Carth and Canderous along, simply because listening to them argue makes me happy.

I waltzed around killing things, solved a domestic dispute and found the cat responsible for driving the dogs nuts. This is Juhani and you do NOT want to kill her, unless you dislike cats and actually LIKE using Bastila.

--The Perfect Team: Carth and Juhani. I kicked ass with these two.

Anyway, your in like Flinn afterward and get tagged with ANOTHER mission. Find the Star Map. This will get deliriously redundant after four planets, so when the Leviathan captures your ship and treats the crew to a little R&R in the electro-shock spa, it’s actually a nice change of pace.

-- The Leviathan is my personal nightmare. EVERYONE is in his or her underwear. Even the old man. THE OLD MAN. ;_; Jolee atones, however, because he has Force Choke and that is highly amusing.

==== To be continued….maybe…

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