Mar 04, 2008 10:53
I had money in my hand, and a sense of determination that I was going to get the best cheapest laptop I could find! And it wouldn’t have all those gee-gaws and whatsits to gleam and distract me. It would have a word processing program. And maybe solitaire.
Lo, I went questing to the City of Circuits, where the shiny gleam of technology beckoned. And then traffic was freaking me out and I drove right past it because I missed the turnoff and ended up in the dark realm of the Mart of Walls!
But that was okay too, because I have a card that inflicts 10% damage to the final price.
So I bought the biggest damn laptop they had, and carried it home in triumph along with the latest Dresden Files.
Only to discover it runs Vista.
I hate Vista.
I didn’t get a laptop with the bare essentials, but one with approximately five hundred programs for things I’ve never heard of. It came with WORD PAD. And a trial version of Word 2007. I rallied.
I went and dropped $100 on Windows XP and attempted valiantly to install something that wouldn’t drive me to a homicidal reaction every boot-up. It tells me it’s not compatible.
My quest, she failed.
I hate Vista. The only redeeming thing it has it the search bar on the start menu.
It’s slow. It lags when I turn the computer on. It lags when I open a program. It lags when I close a program and the hell if I’m running two at once. It pitches a hysterical fit and freezes. It lags when I try and turn it off.
It asks me if I want to open a program when I click on that program to be opened, and if I were working with raw plutonium and wanted the computer to double check my every move, I would appreciate this more.