WARNING: Meaningless Fashion Babble Below

Jun 22, 2010 14:16

So the Esposo and I are going to an outdoor concert this Sunday (if we can, yanno, find a baby-sitter). This is our second open-air concert in as many weeks. The first was to see The John Butler Trio at the Bank of America Pavilion right on Boston Harbor - one of my favorite places to see a concert, btw. This next one is a whole collection of acts playing on Landsdowne Street in Boston. I'm primarily interested to see Silversun Pickups, but I'm sure the other acts will be good too. Maybe. (I only say "maybe" because the band that played after The John Butler Trio, State Radio, was so bad we actually left after three songs. So you never know.)

Speaking of which, I learned something else from that first concert besides the fact that State Radio sucks. And that harsh truth was this: I am suddenly one of the older members of the audience. By, like, ten years.


I am sure this won't always be the case - it probably depends on the artist. But since Esposo and I like new bands as well as older ones, I have a feeling that, once again, we are going to experience the unsettling sensation that we could have baby-sat some of our fellow concert-goers at one time.

Anyway. Where was I going with this? Oh yes. I felt old. And all of those flippy sundresses and flirty mini-skirts at the first show only exacerbated that feeling. I dressed WAY too conservatively: in a navy and white striped long sleeved t-shirt and a khaki cargo skirt. Very tailored, very nautical, very "thirtysomething" (which, I know, I AM).

This time, I am going to attempt to blend into the crowd a little better without resorting to the dreaded cliché of Mutton Dressing as Lamb.

I just bought these cute-and-kickass gray Chucks for my potential New Mexico trip:

I know most of the girls this weekend will be in strappy sandals and flip-flops, but if age has taught me anything it's that you want to protect your tootsies at crazy street musical festivals full of beer-swilling frat guys. Their shoes will be sexier perhaps, but my pedicure will remain unscathed.

Then I got this crazy idea today. I'm wearing this shirt:

The appliqué flower kind of makes me feel like I won first prize at the fair, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Anyway. I'm wearing it with a long black skirt today, but when I saw how it was styled on the website (above) I began to wonder if I could pull it off with a pair of denim shorts and my new Chucks. (Note: I would NOT tuck the shirt in and belt it like above, because I am not a size zero nor am I insane.)

So what do you guys think (those brave souls who've actually managed to read this drivel all the way through)? Cute Concert Attire or Desperate Thirtysomething Concert Costume?

concerts, fashion babble, rock and/or roll

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