And Now, On A More Writerly Note...

Feb 08, 2010 15:09

...I will never finish my book unless I can somehow force myself to send the Munchkin to day care an extra day.

It's not just Mommy Guilt standing in my way, either. It's pure, unadulterated selfishness. I don't want to send him because I MISS him. Because she's older, Patoot is always awake when I get home from work. So even if we can only hang out for an hour or two before bedtime, I still get to spend time with my girl. The Munchkin, however, is a sleepy baby and oftentimes is asleep by the time I walk into the house at 6:45-7pm. And that SUCKS. Especially during the first year, when he changes every day. I remember how hard this was on me when I was working full-time while Patoot was a baby. That's why I jumped at the part-time gig. I knew it was my only chance to maximize my Baby Time with her before she grew up. Which is also why I don't want to give up my Baby Time with him either.

I'm not looking for answers, because the only person who can convince me to send him or not is...ME. What I am looking for, however, is advice for what to do in the meantime. I need to keep writing or I'll lose the momentum I gained while working for the grant. Weekend writing is near impossible, because every weekend we have is different. But I'm WAY too tired to sit-down and really write after work either. What do we think about nightly 10-minute writing sessions? In theory they sound do-able...but they would be easy to blow off ("I'll just do 20 minutes tomorrow!") or over-do ("Crap! How did it get to be midnight?") And dudes, I do need my sleep.

Thoughts? Ideas? Dairy, egg and peanut-free snacks?
(...ok, so snacks don't have anything to do with writing, but I am actually on the hunt for a wider variety of snack foods I can eat while nursing the boy.)

breast feeding, patoot, dairy-free, writing, healthy eats, book 2, munchkin

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