Community Service (2a/?)

Dec 26, 2010 17:20

Gwen silently followed Catrina while her mind was still trying to make sense of her peers that she was now with. At first, she was surprised to see Morgana. But she became more baffled as time went on.

After Morgana, there had been the tall gangly boy. He looked somewhat familiar, and she soon came to the conclusion that she had seen him a few times at school. Gwen decided against approaching him since it looked like he was in a pretty bad mood as it was.

Lance had walked in soon after, looking quite worse for wear. He had been the last person Gwen would have expected to see here. OK, maybe not the last person, but close. He was the quarterback of the football team.  According to jocks, volunteering wasn’t cool.

But the last person Gwen had expected to see was Arthur Pendragon. His father owned half of the town and to be honest wasn’t well liked. He was known for getting rid of small family owned businesses in favor of shopping centers and movie theatres. In fact, Gwen’s father’s bookshop had been one of them.

It wasn’t his fault, Gwen reminded herself as she stole a glance back at Arthur.

“Now,” continued Catrina, “I’ll have you girls start cleaning the women’s bathroom. Don’t worry about the men’s room, Leon already cleaned that one. And boys, there’s a new jungle gym set that if you could put together would be much appreciated.”

Morgana’s jaw was hanging open from hearing a sentence with the words “cleaning” and “bathroom” directed at her. But - she held her tongue. She watched on as Catrina led the boys outside and as she left alone with the curly haired girl.

“Morgana?” she turned her attention towards said girl. “Hi, I’m Gwen.”

“Oh, hi.” Morgana looked at Gwen closely. She definitely wasn’t someone Morgana would normally hang out with but, she looked sweet. “How do you know my name?”

“We go to the same school.”

“Really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.”

“Well, we don’t really hang out with the same people or anything like that.” Gwen started to shift a little nervously but she continued. “So! I guess we should probably get started. I’ve done this a million times so I know where everything is. Well, not a million, but, you know what I mean.”

Morgana gave her a hesitant smile. “Yeah, I understand.”

Gwen led them to the women’s room carrying a bunch of bottles and rags. Morgana followed tentatively.

“Here you go,” Gwen offered Morgana a rag and a bottle of Windex with a warm smile.

Morgana eyed them carefully. “Um, what do I do with them?”

Honestly, Gwen was surprised that she didn’t know how to do something so simple. But there was a look of sincerity and real curiosity in Morgana’s eyes. There was no way that Gwen could laugh or judge her for her naiveté. So instead she gave her an understanding smile.

“They’re for the mirrors. Here, I’ll show you.” Gwen led her to the mirrors that were above the sinks.”It’s really easy, I promise. You just spray a little and then take a rag and wipe it down. Here, you try.”

She handed them back to Morgana who took them gingerly in her hand but had a determined look on her face. Gwen watched as she repeated her motions but with more caution. She finished and gave Gwen an apprehensive glance.

“Like that?”

“Yes! That was perfect,” she gave her an encouraging smile, “Keep going.” Gwen left her and headed towards the stalls while pulling on some rubber gloves.

“You know, this is kinda fun,” came Morgana’s lilting voice.

Gwen couldn’t help but giggle to herself. Morgana’s behavior reminded her of a small child’s enthusiasm.

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