Community Service (1/?)

Dec 02, 2010 23:21

Title: Community Service (1/?)
Author: mostly_a_reader
Characters: Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin, Morgana, Lancelot
Warnings: None. Modern AU
Rating: PG-13??
Summary: Community Service: looks good on college applications, serves as a good punishment from parents, makes you feel a little better about yourself.
Most kids relent to the idea - eventually. Sure, it’s not how most kids would want to spend their precious Saturday. But sometimes, that’s how the dice roll.
Author's Notes: This is the little series that I'm starting that was inspired by The Breakfast Club. Unbetaed. (Arthur and Morgana are NOT related.) Please enjoy, and leave comments if you so wish :)


Gwen breathed in the crisp morning air and smiled. It had been a short, but pleasant, walk from the bus stop to the Community Center. She couldn’t help being excited. As odd as that may sound, she actually enjoyed helping others. Getting up at 7 o’clock on a Saturday morning seemed a small price to pay for putting a smile on an underprivileged person’s face. She only wished she could do it more often.

She was making her way through the parking lot when she was stopped by the sound of yelling. She froze, thinking for a moment that the female voice was screaming at her. But as she listened, she could tell that it was just someone on the phone. But strangely, the voice sounded familiar. Gwen headed towards the voice and was able to overhear some of the conversation.

“But Dad!” Pause. “It’s not fair! Why do I have to skip my day of shopping when you can just write these people a check?!” Pause. “Dad, I - Dad? Hello?”

Gwen had finally edged close enough to see who was doing all of the yelling. Low and behold, before her stood none other than Morgana la Fey: the most popular girl in school.

“Shit! He’s going to get it when I get home…”

Before Gwen could say anything or even announce her presence, Morgana had stomped off towards the Community Center and walked through the door.

Gwen was still frozen. She was plain shocked. She had been volunteering for a long time now and she rarely saw people here from school; let alone people like Morgana.

It looked like today was going to be a weird day.


Lance was a little hung-over. Okay, he was a lot hung-over. He hadn’t been planning on getting drunk when he arrived at Gwaine’s party. But after winning that big game against Cenred High last night, he decided to have a little fun, let loose. The party had been crazy. It was a miracle in itself that he even remembered that he had community service and had gotten up that morning.

He looked a little worse for wear, but he was just happy that he had made it to the Community Center a little after 8’o clock. He was pulling into the parking lot and started to fix his hair in the mirror when a guy with a bike jumped right in front of his car. He slammed on the brakes.

The kid on the bike was all in black, like one of those Goth kids Lance saw around school. He didn’t dare talk to any of them, in case somebody saw and got the wrong idea. It’s not like the quarterback of the football team could go around talking to those emo kinds. Besides, they were just weird.

Lance was about to roll down his window to at least apologize, but the kid on the bike gave him the bird and went on his way. So, Lance pulled into a parking spot and headed toward the Community Center on foot. As he neared the door, he saw the same bike that guy was riding in the bike rack out front.


Lance checked his clothes and hair in the reflection of the door, and then opened it to let himself in.


Merlin was pissed. Apart from getting up at this inhuman hour on a Saturday morning, his iPod died right in the middle of his favorite Black Sabbath song, Iron Man. And if that wasn’t enough to put him in a bad mood, he had almost been hit by the football team’s idiot quarterback, Lance, who had been checking himself out in his mirror.

What a jerk. Oh, speak of the devil…

In walked Lance. Merlin couldn’t help rolling his eyes. Now he was going to have to spend the whole day with this buffoon.


Morgana was not a happy camper. She really didn’t want to be here. But, things had seemed to perk up a little bit when he walked in.

The first thing she noticed was his clothes. He was dressed in black from head to toe, and was wearing black Doc Martens. She liked this guy already. She then turned to look at his face. He was pretty cute. He wasn’t gorgeous or anything, and she had seen hotter guys, but he was cute.

If she was going to have to spend the whole day in this dump, she might as well have a little fun. She gave him her signature seductive grin. This same grin worked on every guy Morgana had ever used it on. They would instantly become putty in her hands, and she would have them at her beck and call, waiting on her every whim.

But to her dismay, he looked at her and without a second glance kept walking towards the front desk.

What the hell? Why didn’t it work?

Morgana was shocked. She had never, ever, met someone from the male species that this smile didn’t work on. She continued to stare after him, as he briefly talked to the lady at the desk, and as he moved on to a table quite far from her and sat down. He still hadn’t even attempted to approach her.

He suddenly looked up towards the door and rolled his eyes. She followed his gaze and saw Lance walk in. She didn’t really hang out with him or anything, but he was the quarterback of their football team, everybody knew who he was. Lance saw her and sat himself next to her.

“Hey. Morgana, right?”

“Hm? Oh yeah.” Morgana really couldn’t be bothered. She was still trying to figure out why Goth Boy was ignoring her.

“I’m Lance. You volunteering?”


“Yeah, I hear ya. As if we didn’t have anything better to do with our Saturday.”

“Yeah. Um, will you excuse me for a sec? Thanks.” Morgana got up from the table and started to make her move.


“Uh, yeah, sure,” Lance watched as Morgana made her way towards the emo kid with the bike. She obviously wasn’t interested in talking to him. Lance looked around. He’d never volunteered before, so he really wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do. He saw a curly haired girl talking to the lady at the counter. She looked kinda familiar, but he couldn’t place her. She was very pretty, but she was wearing some old looking clothes: a ratty sweater and a pair of faded jeans that had a huge hole in the right knee. She didn’t look like someone who ran with Lance’s crowd, but she still looked familiar for some reason. She started to laugh at something the older woman had said and Lance found himself smiling. She had a nice laugh.


“Hello,” Morgana gracefully seated herself beside her Goth Boy. “I’m Morgana.” She extended her hand.

The boy looked between her and her hand as if he was deciding whether to introduce himself. But he relented and took her hand.

“Merlin,” he lazily shook her hand and turned his attention toward his scribbling on the table.

“What a weird name,” Morgana scrunched her nose. Merlin. Very odd. “Are you gay?” she asked simply.

Merlin looked at her in shock before getting out a confused, “What?”

Morgana explained as if it was the most apparent thing in the world.

“Well, ever since we’ve been here you’ve ignored me. I haven’t even caught you trying to check me out or anything. “

He could only stare at her in disbelief. Slowly, he started to piece together some of the madness that had come out of her mouth.

“So, because I haven’t been all over you since the 5 minutes I’ve been here I must be gay?”

“Um,” she hesitated after seeing the unpleasant expression on his face, “yeah?”

“Wow,” he started to get up. “By the way, I’m not gay. I just choose to not waste my time on snobby, selfish, spoiled rich girls. They were right,” he scoffed, “you are a bitch.”

He started to walk away and got a few feet before she snapped out of her shocked state.

“Merlin, wait!” She followed him and caught him by the arm.

He slowly turned around to face her, with the same expression on his face. “What?”

“No one has ever talked to me like that before.” He looked unimpressed so she continued. “You’re right. I am a bitch. I treated you like shit just now and - I’m sorry. You just confused me because guys always give me attention and when you didn’t, I thought the only reasonable explanation would be if you were gay and that was really wrong of me. I just really wanted to get your attention because I think you’re really cute and I think that your Goth style is totally hot on you, and I have no idea why I’m telling you all of this stuff it’s kinda just coming out and -“ She was stopped by his hand over her mouth.

“I’m out of breath just listening to you,” he chuckled and put his hand down.

Morgana felt heat in her cheeks and at the tips of her ears. Am I actually blushing?

“I’m sorry I called you a bitch. That was really rude of me. I think we could both use a fresh start.”

He stuck his hand out and smiled, “Hi, I’m Merlin.”

She breathed a sigh of relief and took his hand gratefully. “Morgana.”

“It’s nice to meet you Morgana.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Merlin.” She returned the smile and couldn’t help getting butterflies as he gave her a shy grin.


Arthur was taking the scenic route to the Community Center. He really didn’t care what time he showed up. Besides, he was the one doing these people a favor. They would just have to wait until he got there.

He wasn’t in a rush to do this whole “volunteering” thing. The only reason he was going was because his dad had threatened to take away his new Ducati if didn’t. Arthur didn’t need to be told twice after that. Arthur loved his Ducati, and there was no way he was going to get it taken away.

Unfortunately for him, he arrived much earlier than he had anticipated. Almost on time even.


He grudgingly pulled into a vacant spot a safe distance away from the other cars that were in the lot and propped up his bike. He pulled off his helmet and not caring about his helmet-hair, walked around his bike, inspecting it. Everything seemed to be in order. He quickly adjusted his leather jacket and headed towards the Community Center, hands in his pockets.

Arthur wasn’t expecting to see any kids he knew here, so he was quite shocked when he four kids who seemed to be the same age as him. They maybe even went to his school. Not that he cared enough to notice.

Just as he was about to move towards the front desk, the door opened behind him and he felt someone bump into him.

“Umph. Oh, I’m sorry dear! I didn’t see you there,” the homely woman, who had nearly knocked him to the floor, apologized.

“Oh, um, that’s okay.”

She swiftly made her way past him and spoke to the other homely lady at the desk, “I’m so sorry I’m late! Oh, hello Gwen!”

“Hi Catrina,” the curly-haired girl replied pleasantly. She gave the woman a warm smile and Arthur’s chest suddenly went tight, and his breath got caught in his throat.


At that moment Gwen had caught him staring so she turned to look at him. Her light brown eyes locked with his dark blue ones. She gave him a small, nervous smile, and looked back towards Catrina.

Snap out of it man!

He slightly shook his head and forced himself to focus on what Catrina was saying.

“I am so pleased that so many of you were able to help out today. If you would all follow me, and we’ll get started!”
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