the best berfday EVA!!!!!

May 12, 2004 03:11

so my birthday festivites started off thursday. bret came out here to my dads and took me out to little tree sushi bar. he did not enjoy the sushi at all. then we came to my dads and watched some curb... i passed out. then JEK and KAT came and got me. it was so nice seeing kat. all though, i must say..even tho i know she doesn't read this.. be strong and keep your head up. so while at jek's her mom and i watch some friends and i eat some spaghetti (chops hadn't called yet.. and i couldn't wait to eat no more) .... hung out there for a bit.. then picked up jew and we went to chops'. i had almost a forty there... then we went ot the stick and chops and someone else were going to meet us up there. go to the stick... chris.. my main homie... hooked jek and i up royally. i don't remember how many drinks were after the 5th shot and the 5 duece of rolling rock but i was having a blast. totally rided out the birthday thing. worked like peaches and creame.
then back to ben's and chops' ... don't remeber too much after that. stayed there... didn't go towork.... went to jewell's and took a it couple hour nap.. jewell wasn't even there. and jewell is a goddess for letting me do that. it was much needed. oh.. idon't remember much of thursday night except for drinking till 10 am. going to bed at noon. waking up at three. anywho... chase and nippy nick picked me up from jew's and we went to mike's for a bbq.. where mike cooked me a steak, had a couple beers, and had a great game of hackey sack. then..... then... oh! eventually..somehow mandy ended up picking me up and went to her place, Hyma bought my share of the beer (fo rmy berfday) and drank there... saturday... did a bit of running around.. worked.. then hung out with my family around the bonfire. nick and mike came by, jewell came by, mandy came by... then jeremy came by. it was nice hanging out with jeremy. we stayed up till 6:30 drinking shots of passion fruit. worked at noon... had a GREAT.. and i mean GRRRREAT!!!! day at work. made an extra 45 dollas.. hot boy in plaid shirt finally came up to me and EVEN asked for my number.. but still hasn't called me.... amy picked me up, went to her house to give her mom her mother's day gift... went to mom's ate dinner got gifts.. mom got me a quesedilla maker(niiice) passed out for a couple hours then went to sara's. they hung out with me for my bday... then marty and ian picked me up and we went ot the stick and bpw;ed. and i got drunk... went to chops' and ben's place... then i went home and ... man... i didn't realize how wasted i was till the ride home. i kept falling asleep while doing shit at my dads... like.. trying to puke.. and trying to put on pajamas. craaaazzzyy. man. man o man. then.. um.. monday... hungout with chops, had chinese buffet and sushi... hung out in the BB... drank. fun times. then chops and i cam eback to my house to watch some curb and get more beer. then today i had my new classes but before i went ot class bret came by and dropped off my gifts. He got this piggy bank i was admiring the other day and... A EUKALALIE. i know that is totally spelled wrong. but dude... i got one. i'm gonna be dope ass fresh and learn to play. chops told me tonight that he would help me learn. then i wen to class.... my 2 classes are so awesome. on thursday for my P.E. class,, we're taking a walk and meditating. an dotnight in ceramics.... i made 5 pink pots and 3 bisque stamps. it was so much fun. then bubbie and i went to eat at mr. b's and then i went to ian's to hang out with marty, c diddy, ian and pat, and chops. now i am home.
see what a great bday i had? sorry it was long but it was necessary. tomrrow nippy nick jewell and i are hanging out then maybe jeremy andi are going to eat. okay. i will shut up now
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