Permission Meme

Aug 30, 2030 10:54

Applies to both Island and Luceti.

CHARACTER NAME: Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter


Backtagging: I tend to suck at this, but if you really wanna backthread something, let me know.
Threadhopping: Sure.
Fourthwalling: Sure.
Offensive subjects: I'm rarely offended, so no worries.


Hugging this character: Sure.
Kissing this character: You best be her boyfriend(s)! So yes, if you want her to react violently.
Flirting with this character: Now that she's taken, she'll play along slightly, but if you really try to pursue her,she will reject you.
Fighting with this character: She's known as the main fighter of her group, so sure! We'd have to discuss who wins, though.
Injuring this character: Sure.
Killing this character: Discuss this with me.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure.

Warnings: Being in a fight with her may lead to you getting either hit or burnt by lightning, bb.

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